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TechCrunch 09/03/16 "In the Experience Age, the primary input is visual and the dominant feedback is attention." -- The movement of attention up the chain fulfills the value creation. Trends: 
the conversation 08/10/16 Personality type plays a role in smartphone addiction. -- Check your phone 150-300 times per day? You are sick. Trends: 
TechCrunch 08/05/16 Facebook automatically filtering structure-induced content. -- Structure recognizes structure as a threat. Facebook responds to 'clickbait' content by filtering it out of newsfeeds. Therefore, content generated to meet the demands of structure are filtered. Trends: 
Financial Times 07/27/16 Mixed fortunes of the digital education business suggest hits are elusive "Content would be a great business if one produced only hits, but it never seems to work that way. The lack of barriers to anyone spending prodigious amounts of capital to create the next smash is what ensures a pedestrian return on that capital." -- This illustrates how the role of 'content' has changed away from the 'content of the content' to the role of the content in filling reserved holes in production and distribution structures. Trends: 
BackChannel 07/21/16 Copmpact for a Free, Open and Neutral Network: You have the freedom to use the network for any purpose as long as you don’t harm the operation of the network itself, the rights of other users, or the principles of neutrality that allow contents and services to flow without deliberate interference. You have the right to understand the network and its components, and to share knowledge of its mechanisms and principles. You have the right to offer services and content to the network on your own terms. You have the right to join the network, and the obligation to extend this set of rights to anyone according to these same terms. -- How a self-configuring network was built. Trends: 
CED 07/14/16 Cord cut. -- All that wasted wire..... Trends: 
Gizmodo 06/15/16 Tightly cold makes better taste. -- See also scientific american study of coffee Trends: 
ScienceDaily 06/08/16 Wait a minute: can you see my hand? -- Oh, yeah, and concentration. Trends: 
Irish Independent 05/17/16 We showed in 1991 that print drives online participation. -- The Independent commissioned the study. Trends: 
Wired 05/01/16 User pressure for bandwidth is having the predictable effect. -- Trends: 
eurekalert 04/22/16 "So, like, I realized I was only going 20 in a 50, and I said 'Hey, man, check it out. I'm only going uh, uh, uh. Cool.'" -- Wait a minute; can you see my hand? Trends: 
ScienceDaily 04/21/16 Evidence of a compromised dopamine system has been found in heavy users of marijuana. -- Like, heavy, man. Trends: 
ScienceDaily 04/18/16 Adding coffee to the diet of people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) could help reverse the condition, according to a new study conducted in mice . -- Trends: 
slashdot @ 04/16/16 The structure expects consumers behavior 'X'. Consumers behave 'X'. Production expands. -- Q. #2 of How does Apple conduct its Product Greenhouse Gas Life Cycle Assessment?": "To model customer use, we measure the power consumed by a product while it is running in a simulated scenario. Daily usage patterns are specific to each product and are a mixture of actual and modeled customer use data. Years of use, which are based on first owners, are assumed to be four years for OS X and tvOS devices and three years for iOS and watchOS devices. More information on our product energy use is provided in our Product Environmental Reports." Point number 2 for the question "How does Apple conduct its Product Greenhouse Gas Life Cycle Assessment?" Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Technological Determinism,Behavior Creates Structure,Services become Games
ScienceDaily 04/15/16 Effect similar to other addictions -- Yup. Trends: