My Latest Clippings.
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  May 2024

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TechCrunch 09/03/16 "In the Experience Age, the primary input is visual and the dominant feedback is attention." -- The movement of attention up the chain fulfills the value creation. Trends: 
the conversation 08/10/16 Personality type plays a role in smartphone addiction. -- Check your phone 150-300 times per day? You are sick. Trends: 
TechCrunch 08/05/16 Facebook automatically filtering structure-induced content. -- Structure recognizes structure as a threat. Facebook responds to 'clickbait' content by filtering it out of newsfeeds. Therefore, content generated to meet the demands of structure are filtered. Trends: 
Financial Times 07/27/16 Mixed fortunes of the digital education business suggest hits are elusive "Content would be a great business if one produced only hits, but it never seems to work that way. The lack of barriers to anyone spending prodigious amounts of capital to create the next smash is what ensures a pedestrian return on that capital." -- This illustrates how the role of 'content' has changed away from the 'content of the content' to the role of the content in filling reserved holes in production and distribution structures. Trends: 
BackChannel 07/21/16 Copmpact for a Free, Open and Neutral Network: You have the freedom to use the network for any purpose as long as you don’t harm the operation of the network itself, the rights of other users, or the principles of neutrality that allow contents and services to flow without deliberate interference. You have the right to understand the network and its components, and to share knowledge of its mechanisms and principles. You have the right to offer services and content to the network on your own terms. You have the right to join the network, and the obligation to extend this set of rights to anyone according to these same terms. -- How a self-configuring network was built. Trends: 
CED 07/14/16 Cord cut. -- All that wasted wire..... Trends: 
Gizmodo 06/15/16 Tightly cold makes better taste. -- See also scientific american study of coffee Trends: 
ScienceDaily 06/08/16 Wait a minute: can you see my hand? -- Oh, yeah, and concentration. Trends: 
Irish Independent 05/17/16 We showed in 1991 that print drives online participation. -- The Independent commissioned the study. Trends: 
Wired 05/01/16 User pressure for bandwidth is having the predictable effect. -- Trends: 
eurekalert 04/22/16 "So, like, I realized I was only going 20 in a 50, and I said 'Hey, man, check it out. I'm only going uh, uh, uh. Cool.'" -- Wait a minute; can you see my hand? Trends: 
ScienceDaily 04/21/16 Evidence of a compromised dopamine system has been found in heavy users of marijuana. -- Like, heavy, man. Trends: 
ScienceDaily 04/18/16 Adding coffee to the diet of people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) could help reverse the condition, according to a new study conducted in mice . -- Trends: 
slashdot @ apple.com 04/16/16 The structure expects consumers behavior 'X'. Consumers behave 'X'. Production expands. -- Q. #2 of How does Apple conduct its Product Greenhouse Gas Life Cycle Assessment?": "To model customer use, we measure the power consumed by a product while it is running in a simulated scenario. Daily usage patterns are specific to each product and are a mixture of actual and modeled customer use data. Years of use, which are based on first owners, are assumed to be four years for OS X and tvOS devices and three years for iOS and watchOS devices. More information on our product energy use is provided in our Product Environmental Reports." Point number 2 for the question "How does Apple conduct its Product Greenhouse Gas Life Cycle Assessment?" Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Technological Determinism,Behavior Creates Structure,Services become Games
ScienceDaily 04/15/16 Effect similar to other addictions -- Yup. Trends: 
Wired 04/13/16 Structure Demands Content. Period. -- Structure demands content, content attracts consumption, consumption builds structure. Trends: 
Clinical Psychnoogical Science 03/24/16 Stoners tend to flatten out in midlife. -- They got stoned and forget the appointment. Trends: 
CBS/Lancet 03/18/16 Effectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of pain in knee and hip osteoarthritis: a network meta-analysis. Bruno R da Costa, PhD†, Stephan Reichenbach, MD†, Noah Keller, MMed, Linda Nartey, MD, Simon Wandel, PhD, Prof Peter Jüni, MD, Dr Sven Trelle, MD -- AND it's potentially fatal in overdose. Nice combo. Trends: 
ScienceNews 02/23/16 Tobacco-derived products in vapes and sniffs still carry significant mortality risks. -- Mortality, as in "this stuff will kill you." Trends:  Behavior Creates Structure
Washington Post 02/01/16 What happens when you get stoned every single day for five years -- Trends: 
BusinessInsider 01/30/16 The network seeks its own expansion. -- Consumer demand for bandwidth is strong enough that access solutions like this are starting to appear everywhere. Trends: 
wired 01/24/16 Ad blocker replaces ads with....new ads! -- Browsers make a bid for the middle. Trends: 
washpo 12/07/15 Depends on your genes: harmless, or dead man. -- Trends: 
Wired 10/20/15 "Preseence" online is a real phenomena. The physical and online worlds are not adjacent to each other; they actually overlap. -- If you don't believe in presence, you haven't "paid" enough "attention". Trends: 
huffingtonpost 10/20/15 -- Trends: 
HuffingtonPost 10/16/15 And we believe them, right? Right? Right after this message. -- Trends:  Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth, New Value Moment,Mass Media to Atomized,Behavior Creates Structure
Ad Age 10/12/15 "Content Marketing Is Red Hot, but It's a Term That Is Increasingly 'Overused and Underdefined'" [ya think?] -- "The overall U.S. market for content marketing was more than $67 billion in 2014, according to PQ Media. By way of comparison, the U.S. TV ad market is around $70 billion." [And it tastes just like real content.) Trends:  News to Meta News, Print to Electronic to ?,Distribution Reforms Around the Net,Known Source to Crowdsource,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Creation to Aggregation,New Value Moment,Technological Determinism
recode.net 09/24/15 -- By Jason Kint and Vincent Peyrègne, CEO, DCN; CEO, WAN-IFRA September 24, 2015, 8:00 AM PDT Trends: 
BritishMedicalJournal 08/05/15 "In this large prospective study, the habitual consumption of spicy foods was inversely associated with total and certain cause specific mortality, independent of other risk factors of death." -- Hot damn! Pass the red peppers, please. Trends: 
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 08/02/15 Uh-oh. -- The study notes that people who change their rate of coffee consnumption are liable for effects, but that high-consumption users who did not change their habits did not show the same response. Trends: 
yahoo 06/23/15 The outline of medical research needs for marijuana finally beginning to emerge. -- See book: Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World’s Most Popular Weed, paperback – March 31, 2015, by Kevin P. Hill (Author) Trends: 
aacc.org 05/28/15 Oh wow man, like, far out, you know? Wow. Heavy. -- Just don't blow it, man. Too much. American Association for Clinical Chemistry. Trends: 
Forbes 05/24/15 Not just hard, but hard and fast! -- An advantage for some, a liability for others. Trends: 
broadbandnow.org 05/11/15 good example of user=initiated demand for higher tech -- Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Infrastructure to Nonfrastructure,Behavior Creates Structure
arstechnica.com 05/11/15 broadband industry moves to protect future profits -- See end of story for stat-by-state summary Trends: 
motherboard.com 05/11/15 State by state anti-muni broadband laws -- Trends: 
Washington Post 05/04/15 history of longmont first light -- election of x/x/2009 cable inndustry spent $245 k in longmont to defeat fiber measure ` election "2A" 11/2/2011 to approve bond funding wins Trends: 
Science Daily/UPenn 02/03/15 A scientific explanation has been provided by researchers for how social conventions -- everything from acceptable baby names to standards of professional conduct -- can emerge suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, with no external forces driving their creation. -- (Hmmmmm.) Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Known Source to Crowdsource,Audience to Participants,Behavior Creates Structure
Forbes 01/28/15 5 structural clues to consumer - media relationships. -- Trends: 
Taykey 01/20/15 See the Trend Report at http://www.taykey.com/wp-content/ uploads/2015/01/rttr2014q3_web.pdf (delete space after .com) -- 1. Demonstrates consumer interest in how technology will change the future. 2. Influences advertisers to pander to the consumer trend, reinforcing no. 1. Trends: 
Environment&Behavior 12/26/14 Mobile devices degrade face-to-face conversations. Conversations without mobile devices rated significantly superior, higher levels of empathic concern. -- Duh. Talking to someone who is not all there is like talking to someone who is not all there. Trends: 
JournalistsResource 12/26/14 Duh, again. -- The "quality of content" aspect of this problem arises from the question of quality of conversational experience. As content across the web becomes "content" generified, does personal experience also become a hollow, form-over-content thing as well? Or has it always been this way? Are you listening to me? Hello? Trends: 
PEW/NextGov 12/19/14 "Privacy as we know it today will become a luxury commodity. Opting out will be for the rich." -- Is this different than the 16th Century in any significant way? Trends: 
ScienceDaily 12/15/14 [In a world where "depend" means "correlates to" or "looks like it came from that neighborhood."} -- It also reflects the dominance of 'property' in our concept of 'belonging'. Trends: 
TechCrunch 12/05/14 This article reflects the blurring walls between content, creation, platform, sponsor, advertisers, editor, writer, and consumer. -- So many words. So little information. Trends: 
StreetFight 11/25/14 An example of how the new paradigm of isolated users suspended in an 'always-on' field. -- You, where you are now, is the new center of the universe. Just click: we'll bring to you, baby. Trends: 
StreetTalk 11/25/14 Surely, personalization and security are two sides of the same coin.... -- ....which is three-sided, the third side being the commercial and secret electronic observation and recording of your every move. Trends: 
Entrepreneur.com 11/21/14 Measure your keywords, get fresh content ideas, find stuff your reader's already like. -- Doesn't sound like journalism to me. Trends: 
Medical Daily 11/17/14 Bottom line: marijuana has a vascular-constricting effect, just like tobacco. -- Other bottom line: THC shrinks tumors. Hmmmm. Trends: 
ScienceDaily 11/14/14 More news from the Journal of Addiction Medicine. -- Trends: 
journaladdictionmedicine 11/14/14 The not-surprising news that pleasure reinforces the stimulus-response reflex. -- Dependence, withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, depression and difficulty sleeping. Trends: 
truex/WSJblog 11/07/14 We pay out from our finite attention into the infinite world of media. -- Trends: 
TechCrunch.com 11/07/14 Find content users are consuming, and stick your logo on it. -- I mean, the content was just, like, sitting there. Trends: 
YouGov/HuffPost 10/24/14 Or they're worried about losing their phone. Or something else. -- Huffpost reported it as "nearly a third" of smartphone users. Typical. Trends: 
YouGov/HuffPost 10/24/14 Or they're worried about losing their phone. Or something else. -- Huffpost reported it as "nearly a third" of smartphone users. Typical. Trends: 
NYT 10/23/14 Tort Determinism, or "Sue Me Later". -- Curiously, this is the part of the deal which demands consumer in-attention. Trends:  Privacy is a feeling, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Behavior Creates Structure
HuffPost 10/13/14 You must step into the future to stay in the present. -- Trends: 
WashintonPost 10/11/14 -- Trends: 
NYT 10/11/14 Focusing on what readers (users, browsers) want, instead of on what we think they want... -- Trends: 
FORBES 10/09/14 Why is YOUR browser slow now? And why will IT get slower? -- If you can see the Web, it can see you. Trends:  News to Meta News, Information overload vs ability to comprehend,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Creation to Aggregation
Fusion 10/09/14 -- Trends: 
Cannabis and Respiratory Disease Research Group 10/08/14 Hard to judge this work. -- An attempt to discern cancer rates between MJ and tobacco in New Zealand by comparing self-reported histories with diagnosis. Trends: 
SearchEngneWatch 10/02/14 It's news if it"s what you want. -- And if you want it, it's news. Trends: 
Forbes 09/08/14 "The reason is that content isn’t king. Content is crap. It is what dimwitted executives use to describe a commodity they don’t value or understand. Nobody goes to film or journalism school to 'create content,' just as nobody walks out of a movie or finishes a book they enjoyed and says, 'Wow! That was some really great content'.” -- That's why we call it "content" and not "news". Trends: 
MassGeneralHospital 09/04/14 Pot Addiction An Actual Risk For Teens. -- (Unclear if this text was rewritten by HealthDay.com from Massachusetts General's press release, or just copied.) Trends: 
Time 09/04/14 -- Trends: 
JournalismUK 09/04/14 Sign up all the publishers, sell it to subscribers as an aggregate. -- Distribute the local news globally without impacting the local advertising value? Trends:  Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth, Creation to Aggregation,Nameplate to Disembodied,The Renaissance of Copyright,Centralized to Distributed,Geography to Topic
Huffington Post 08/25/14 Let the Robot do the shopping! -- That's what might happen when the "sheer volume of content drives its value below zero". Trends:  News to Meta News, Distribution Reforms Around the Net,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,New Value Moment,Mass Media to Atomized,Technological Determinism,Behavior Creates Structure
Reuters 08/21/14 Definitely not for kids. -- Extensive evidence now that growing brains are adversely affected by marijuana. Trends: 
Salon 08/18/14 It's not news that it's not news. -- It's also not news that it's not surprising. See the research abstract at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssqu.12102/abstract Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Data to Meta News,Solo to Swarm,Audience to Participants,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Research,Services become Games
VentureBeat 07/27/14 What is just looking at something triggered a Google search? Does this help put Google Glass in perspective? -- (With footnotes, related links, geographic background, location data, and commercial links generated with each glance.) Trends: 
metro 07/11/14 It's no longer just about what happened. It's now about what's happening. -- As in "right now." Trends: 
HUFF 06/29/14 They're testing how you twitch when they say negative words. -- Can you feel anything when I do this? How about this? And this? Trends: 
eCanadaNow 06/25/14 Does this imply that more pot smokers are schizophrenics, or that pot smokers who are schizophrenic are more so when dosed? -- See related story on cannabis worsening schizophrenia. Trends: 
LiveScience 06/25/14 Unattributed article references Lambros Messinis of the Department of Neurology at the University Hospital of Patras in Patras, Greece, and also references the March 14 2014 issue of Neuroscience -- What? Trends: 
NBC 06/25/14 I've half a mind to agree with this. No I don't. Yes I do. -- No clear attribution for this information. Trends: 
Shareaholic 06/22/14 It's entertaining, so it's just as good as news. -- The entire Journalism spectrum is sliding from "information with context" to "entertainment without context". It it's either interesting or entertaining, it is a suitable replacement for news. Trends: 
Gallup 06/20/14 Confidence in the internet started out low, as it was amateur land. as it become professionalized, confidence dropped, but not as fast as trust in TV and Newspaper news -- The shift in technology and distribution mechanisms has revealed the deep relationship between "news" and commercial interests, which journalists are trained to not see. Trends: 
Columbia J ournalism Review 06/17/14 Journalism "skills" have collapsed into a ten-day program. -- "Can you type with more than two fingers? You're hired." Trends: 
ScienceDaily 06/13/14 THC (marijuana), can suppress the body's immune functions. The recent findings show that THC can change critical molecules of epigenome called histones, leading to suppression of inflammation. -- Scientists are exploring novel pathways to suppress immune functions. Marijuana plays a role. Trends: 
Forbes 06/06/14 Data without context can be a briar patch. Required also are the experience and expertise to interpret the data. -- The dirty little secret of disruptive innovation is that the disruptors themselves rarely prosper. Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Creation to Aggregation,Geography to Topic,Technological Determinism
ScienceNow 04/24/14 MJ may cause heart problems -- This is not good news. Trends: 
nj.com 01/23/14 Hiding behind a wall encourages the inner asshole. -- Trends: 
EJO 12/23/13 C. W. Anderson looks at the practices of news aggregators, problematizes the “originality” of original content and calls for “networks of journalistic expertise”. -- This is exactly what I think. He must be smart. Anderson describes aggregators as “hierarchizers, interlinkers, bundlers, rewriters, illustrators of web content” and identifies “news judgment” as their primary quality. In their own words, aggregators describe their work as “keeping your ear to the internet.” They also underscore that they add value to aggregated content. Yet, Anderson remarks, answers to the question of what actually constitutes “added value” remained “intriguingly nebulous.” Trends: 
Huff 12/22/13 http://storyful.com/products/newswire/ Storyful is the first news agency of the social media age. We help newsrooms find the most valuable content on the social web. -- An example of journalism knowledge extending its tendrils toward emergent jouralists. Trends: 
PEW 12/21/13 More than half your politics are genetic. -- About half (48%) of the difference in authoritarian beliefs is inherited. About half of the variance in egalitarianism appeared to be explained by genetic factors. Genes seemed to be linked to 54% of the variance in four questions that measure attitudes about social organization and structure. fully 70% of the reason why people are extroverts is gene-linked, as is 43% of "openness," 42% of neuroticism and conscientiousness, and 38% of agreeableness. Trends: 
NorthwesternUniv 12/18/13 (Teen) drug abuse appears to foster brain changes that resemble schizophrenia -- Even more evidence that children are harmed by pot. Trends: 
schizophreniabulletin 12/16/13 What a minute -- can you see my hand? -- What was I saying? Oh, I never smoked pot as a teenager. Trends: 
European Journalism Laboratory 12/03/13 Aggregators are networks of journalistic expertise -- "...the line between aggregation and original reporting is not entirely clear, despite rhetorical attempts at category purification and boundary-drawing. Aggregators and journalists both compile shards of facts, quotes, documents, and links together in order to create narrative-driven news stories..." Trends: 
ScienceDaily 12/02/13 This group "analyzed hundreds of thousands of microblogging messages containing comments, sentiments and opinions about food and brand products." -- " The team's system harvested millions of tweets and used a computer algorithm to automatically extract the sentiment from those tweets." Trends:  News to Meta News, Data to Meta News,Known Source to Crowdsource,Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Creation to Aggregation
GIGAOM 10/20/13 Fllipboard analysis, biz models -- Trends:  Print to Electronic to ?, Distribution Reforms Around the Net,Data to Meta News,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Creation to Aggregation,Behavior Creates Structure
GIGAOM 10/20/13 Fllipboard analysis, biz models -- Trends:  Print to Electronic to ?, Distribution Reforms Around the Net,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Creation to Aggregation,Nameplate to Disembodied,Behavior Creates Structure
Guardian 09/30/13 They know who you are, and they know what you should be thinking. -- "The paper's website serves up custom ads aimed at millions of visitors from around the world. To sell those ads, the paper uses a real-time bidding system in which space is auctioned based on the digital profile of each user." Trends: 
ScienceDaily 09/23/13 Smoke till you croak? -- Very likely. And it should be nice. Trends: 
Science AAAS 09/23/13 There's spit in the Holy Grail. -- What a surprise to discover that people behave the same way online as they do in the real world. Trends: 
PLOS ONE 09/03/13 Results indicate that Facebook use predicts negative shifts on both of these variables over time. -- The more you use Facebook, the worse you feel? Now that's interesting. Trends:  Shared to Solo, Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies,Privacy is a feeling,Information overload vs ability to comprehend,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Behavior Creates Structure
TechCrunch 09/03/13 Automation and organization brought to making Social Media as annoying as possible. -- This is why Social Media will eventually become saturated with commercialism, and the social part will fade. Trends: 
TechPresident 06/28/13 BY MICAH L. SIFRY, who has head firmly stuck in an ideological perspective. -- "McChesney doesn't quite get the Internet. Again and again, in Digital Disconnect, he conflates the free and open net with the larger digital ecosystem, eliding or underplaying important distinctions between the actions and ambitions of big tech and communications companies and the behavior of individuals and networks online." Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource
MonthlyReview 06/28/13 John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney March 2011 -- See also 680 Is the Internet Just Another Example of Monopoly Capitalism At Work? .. Trends: 
NYMag 06/18/13 I watched online as a college classmate went from disgrace to redemption in months. That’s when I found myself deep in the world of black-ops reputation management. -- Long story about reputation scrubbing by erecting networks of false praise to drown out bad news. Trends:  Privacy is a feeling, Known Source to Crowdsource,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Detecting Pedigree Remotely,Property Rights vs. Human Rights,Services become Games
Xconomy.com 06/18/13 The Big Companies have matured. Time for the next paradigm shift. -- The next IT paradigm shifts won’t be from the same players who brought us the last few. Trends:  Consumption to Creation, Research,Technological Determinism,Behavior Creates Structure
BBC 06/14/13 Readers Valued For Their Connections -- Everything you know is not only wrong, but they know that you know it. Trends:  Privacy is a feeling, New Value Moment,Mass Media to Atomized
ATS 06/09/13 Whew! -- Trends: 
Gartner 06/08/13 How they seem is an increasingly important determinant of how they are. Media has always played this feedback role, but only recently has its public input channel been opened so far and wide, its volume turned up so high, and its scope and scale been so profoundly global. -- Social media feedback forms a trend amplifies, and the result: How things seem determines how they are. A form of determinism. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, New Value Moment,Geography to Topic,Research
ALLTHINGSD 05/27/13 Social Graph Interest Graph. Education graph? Political graph? Possession graph? Criminal graph? -- "Everyone’s Facebook feed is pretty much the same as everyone else’s of the same age." --- "Readers are far more valuable than writers." Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Creation to Aggregation,Geography to Topic
PaidContent 05/23/13 We are used to thinking of a “mass media” market made up of large newspapers and TV networks as the normal state of affairs in media, but what if that was just a historical anomaly? "...it becomes obvious that one-way, broadcast-style “mass media” isn’t the norm at all — instead, the norm is interpersonal or multi-directional communication" -- I would agree, but missing is consideration of how technology change guides the development of media. What is the role of communication? Trends: 
NiemanLab 05/23/13 The social part of social media existed before the printing press. -- The difference between then and now is technology. Trends: 
Economist 05/23/13 News is becoming a social medium again, as it was until the early 19th century—only more so -- Trends: 
streetfight 04/25/13 Logging on triggers a "search" of your profile by eager beavers -- Beavers that like to move you into the cash-register line (and chew on would). Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Privacy is a feeling,Audience to Participants,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),New Value Moment
Technologizer 03/14/13 Two perspectives on the Apple experience; the pro view, and the pro view of the con view. -- No, it's not. Yes it is. No, it's not. Yes it is. No.....uh? What? Trends: 
Cyril Kowaliski 03/14/13 I like it because I picked it because I liked it. -- by Cyril Kowaliski — 9:35 PM on July 14, 2011 on alleged study by Jack Brehm in the 1950s See PDF Trends:  Audience to Participants, Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion
UofCambridge 03/13/13 You're a gay, overweight left-wing Republican. And you 'Like' it. -- Or so it seems. Trends:  Privacy is a feeling, Audience to Participants,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public)
NationalAcademyofScences 03/11/13 -- Trends: 
NationalAcademyofScences 03/11/13 Will users 'like' the way they are being watched? -- (sigh) Yes. Sadly, people give up nearly everything, freely. Trends: 
CarnagieMellonU 03/07/13 What consumers think about privacy and how they behave on Facebook are different things. -- Realizing this, Facebook employed game theory to get their way. Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Privacy is a feeling,Audience to Participants,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Property Rights vs. Human Rights
PoliticalPsycological 02/28/13 The Secret Lives of Liberals and Conservatives: Personality Pro?les, Interaction Styles, and the Things They Leave Behind. (dd: Liberals and conservatives are different because they are different, psychologically. This is the honey that puts the "be" in "behavior." -- Although skeptics continue to doubt that most people are “ideological,” evidence suggests that meaningful left-right differences do exist and that they may be rooted in basic personality dispositions, that is, relatively stable individual differences in psychological needs, motives, and orientations toward the world. Seventy-?ve years of theory and research on personality and political orientation has produced a long list of dispositions, traits, and behaviors. Applying a theory of ideology as motivated social cognition and a “Big Five” framework, we ?nd that two traits, Openness to New Experiences and Conscientiousness, parsimoniously capture many of the ways in which individual differences underlying political orientation have been conceptualized. In three studies we investigate the relationship between personality and political orientation using multiple domains and measurement techniques, including: self-reported personality assessment; nonverbal behavior in the context of social interaction; and personal possessions and the characteristics of living and working spaces. We obtained consistent and converging evidence that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are robust, replicable, and behaviorally signi?cant, especially with respect to social (vs. economic) dimensions of ideology. In general, liberals are more open-minded, creative, curious, and Political Psychology, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2008 807 0162-895X © 2008 International Society of Political Psychology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA Trends:  Government-centric vs. Culturally deterministic, Class Warfare,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
PLOSONE 02/20/13 Left and right react differently, because our brains work differently. -- Related to the Cornell research on dem vs. rep behavior, this show differences in brain processing as well. Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Government-centric vs. Culturally deterministic,Class Warfare,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
Nature 02/15/13 Revisiting data casts doubts on link between heavy cannabis use and declining IQ. -- uh... Trends: 
Guradian 02/14/13 Can I figure out where you go if I know everything you do? -- Duh.... Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Privacy is a feeling,Audience to Participants,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Location becomes Central,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
Parity News 02/14/13 -- We describe and evaluate methods for learning to forecast forthcoming events of interest from a corpus containing 22 years of news stories. We consider the examples of identifying signi cant increases in the likelihood of disease out-breaks, deaths, and riots in advance of the occurrence of these events in the world. We provide details of methods and studies, including the automated extraction and gener- alization of sequences of events from news corpora and multiple web resources. We evaluate the predictive power of the approach on real-world events withheld from the system. Trends:  News to Meta News, Data to Meta News,Mass Media to Atomized
WIRED 02/03/13 Metaphors are as important as bones. -- I made that up. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Audience to Participants,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,New Value Moment
SteveCheney 01/17/13 A blog post promoted as news on Business Insider -- Why would a search based on a 50% lie be useful? Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Solo to Swarm,Privacy is a feeling,Known Source to Crowdsource,Audience to Participants,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Detecting Pedigree Remotely,Centralized to Distributed
NYT 12/20/12 Federal scrutiny of the selling of consumer data. -- Curiously, consumers are also a product, and are created through production. Trends:  Data to Meta News, Privacy is a feeling,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
PLOS 12/16/12 Liberals endorse individual-focused moral concerns, conservatives endorse group-focused concerns of in-group loyalties, respect for authorities, and purity. -- Trends:  Government-centric vs. Culturally deterministic, Class Warfare,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
paidconent 11/25/12 Does the Share Button Violate or Destroy Copyrights? Can copying 100% of something be fair use? See Righthaven v. CIO (righthaven llc v. kayse jama, an individual an center for intercultural organizing, a non profit. See -- "There’s one basic copyright principle people agree on in nearly every situation-and you don’t need to be a lawyer to figure out: You can’t make a whole, perfect, 100% copy without permission." Trends:  Detecting Pedigree Remotely, The Renaissance of Copyright
Huffington 11/11/12 huff post link -- Type and quality of user posts creates predictive pattern. Trends: 
Huffington 11/10/12 Media Law test case. -- Trends: 
ChronicleofHigherEducation 11/10/12 Aggregating web content into a "pattern" that mimics another's work academic work -- is it a copyright violation? -- I remember thingking that I remembered hearing someone describe a thought that resembled a thought that someone else once described to me, after they remembered something someone once said. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Detecting Pedigree Remotely,Creation to Aggregation,The Renaissance of Copyright,Mass Media to Atomized
RichmondBizSense 11/10/12 Judge sues for defamation about criticism of ruling in defamation suit. see also TechDirt see also First Amendment Center -- Trends: 
TECHCRUNCH 11/06/12 "...with all of these new services recently launching, it seems to have been kicked into another gear, where the same kernel of information passes through what seems like an infinite maze to reach us in different forms...." -- Good exposition on the consumption of information on the modern web. Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Audience to Participants,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Creation to Aggregation
MIT 11/02/12 A predictive function that creats meta news (news about the data of news, or data about the structure of data) -- Fundamental concept is that crowdsourced feedback arenas like Twitter amplify patterns, even at the smallest scales, because people seem to follow subtle hints to stay with the herd. Trends:  News to Meta News, Solo to Swarm,Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies,Known Source to Crowdsource,Information overload vs ability to comprehend,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion
WHARTON 11/02/12 Pay attention to the Attention Field! Pay! Pay! Attention! -- Share this Article (Links: Share on facebook Share on twitter; Share on email; More Sharing Services) Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,New Value Moment,Mass Media to Atomized,Synergy at Vortex Points
WHARTON 11/02/12 "Facebook marketers need to learn how to make their ads really a two-way dialogue with consumers." -- Or a group conversation. Hey, I know! Invite their friends! Trends: 
BBC 09/29/12 One keystroke kills, history, archiving kill searches. -- The thought that the content on the internet would be "immortal" proves to be quite mortal. Trends:  Detecting Pedigree Remotely, Creation to Aggregation,Mass Media to Atomized
CNN 09/11/12 Smoking is not good for young people. -- Period. Trends: 
Knight Digital Media Center 08/31/12 On, and there's "selling that dedicated audience to advertisers." -- "...increasing traffic inevitably results in a decline in the average time spent online. The more successful a site is as measured by pageviews, the less successful it is in engaging people for longer periods of time on a site." Trends:  Distribution Reforms Around the Net, Audience to Participants,Nameplate to Disembodied,Mass Media to Atomized,Services become Games
thesocietypages 08/13/12 -- Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Privacy is a feeling,Class Warfare
AP 08/09/12 Google searching in Google? -- Why is this a surprise? Because of some imagined wall between eMail and the rest of the world? Trends:  Geography to Topic, Services become Games
SJMercuryNews 08/08/12 And there's almost nothing worth reading.... -- "I need to be living my own life," she told me, "rather than watching other people live theirs." Trends:  Information overload vs ability to comprehend
SmartMoney 08/06/12 We love being butt-fucked by Apple -- Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies
NYT 07/27/12 We want to know what they know. -- The information about you is someone else's property. Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Privacy is a feeling,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth
UWesternAustralia 07/27/12 http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2012/jul/27/climate-sceptics-conspiracy-theorists -- New research finds that sceptics also tend to support conspiracy theories such as the moon landing being faked Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Property Rights vs. Human Rights
NYT 07/23/12 They will tell you your name, for a fee. -- For a bigger fee, they will tell all they know about you -- to someone else. Trends:  Shared to Solo, Privacy is a feeling,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
AlterNet 07/20/12 And the evidence just polyps into your lap. -- Hardly the harmful intoxicant that many once thought it was, cannabis is a nourishing plant that actually improves and prolongs life. Trends: 
ACSI 07/18/12 The world's largest has become the world's worst. -- Unpopularity is a reflection of the power relationship. Like Comcast, Facebook behaves without regard for consumer opinion, as it has a lock on the market. User can like it, or lump. Whichever. Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Audience to Participants,New Value Moment,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
TECHCRUNCH 07/18/12 Mobile Ads Clicked 4X More Than Twitter Ads -- Profits rise as customer satisfaction tanks. Good numbers lessen the consequences of arrogance. Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Creation to Aggregation,New Value Moment,Desktop to Mobile
HUFFINGTON 07/18/12 $45 to be my friend. $100 to be my friend and get custom Tweets. -- ($250 for a blow job, your place or mine.) Trends:  Audience to Participants, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),New Value Moment
NIMH 07/16/12 The mental effects of THC are temporary. -- Schreiner AM, Dunn ME. Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 07/16/12 Your behavior while on Facebook tells them all they need to know. -- Will how often your post, and how often you share determine which brand of toothpaste they try to sell you? Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Privacy is a feeling,Audience to Participants,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),New Value Moment
CrowdSource 07/15/12 We're Sitting on a Definition Problem Here. -- Lots of things are called crowdsourcing. Here are some linguistic guidelines Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Detecting Pedigree Remotely,New Value Moment
Forbes 07/14/12 If you spit in the soup, nobody eats. -- It's like having four identical clones who are total liars. Trends:  Privacy is a feeling, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Detecting Pedigree Remotely
FORBES 07/08/12 They work for somebody else, and they want to hurt us. -- The ePanopticon has got us all. Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Privacy is a feeling,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Property Rights vs. Human Rights
AP 07/07/12 Libertarianism is structural? -- Does that mean that Liberalism is content? Trends:  Class Warfare, Property Rights vs. Human Rights
NYT 07/06/12 You can detect the fingerprints of editorial changes in the NYT articles. -- Stories change over time as wrters and editors do their job. This shows how the "news" is arbitrary. Trends:  Information overload diluting value, --xx Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Detecting Pedigree Remotely
DailyBeast 06/30/12 The dependency on the Internet makes safety and security a brittle commodity. -- The inverse of dependence is privacy, or the lack thereof. Trends:  Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies, Privacy is a feeling,Centralized to Distributed
SCIENCEDAILY 06/27/12 Stoned as a kid, dumb as an adult -- Lifetime consequences for those who stayed stoned while their brains were developing. Trends: 
ATS 06/22/12 Heavy use uncertain. -- Trends: 
ComputerWorld 06/20/12 Tired of being ripped off by amateurs? -- It's soooo much better when done by a professional. Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Detecting Pedigree Remotely,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public)
Nirandfar.com 06/20/12 "Internal triggers” enable us to control you minute-by-minute. -- Marketing tells you to "sit there and twitch". And so you do. And marketing tells you to "eat this." And so you do. And every cell-phone hugging, Facebook-addicted consumer is glad to have "Freedom." Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies,Knowledge to Belief,Creation to Aggregation,Mass Media to Atomized
THEREGISTER 06/20/12 Your eMail and other secret stuff, totally secure, end-to-end! -- Phil Zimmerman will deliver it himself, sealed in a metal can. Or not. Trends:  Privacy is a feeling, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Services become Games
ZDNet 06/20/12 Why send a text message on your phone when you're already on Facebook in your phone? -- You can get Pizza on Facebook, too. Trends: 
Guzman 06/17/12 Extensive research into relationship between cannabinoid compounds and cancer in humans. -- Remember to download this stuff before it goes away. Trends: 
desPerez 06/01/12 -- Trends: 
LifesLittleMysteries 04/23/12 Yes, you do. -- Really. Have a look. Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Local to Granfalloon,Solo to Swarm
CNN 04/04/12 The things that draw us together are the inverse of the things that push us apart. -- Don't you hate the way that happens? Let's talk. Trends: 
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 04/04/12 Turns out that lazy, drunk & conservative are related. -- Paper here. Scott Eidelman, Christian S. Crandall, Jeffrey A. Goodman and John C. Blanchar authors' commentte: Please note, lest you misunderstand: The effect in the first study described above worked for both liberals and conservatives. Both shifted to the right in the study. Trends:  Government-centric vs. Culturally deterministic, Class Warfare,Research
SALON 04/03/12 It's worse than just crowd-sourcing. It's finding the worst idiots, and idiot-sourcing. -- "But for all of these trends, none is more disturbing than recent moves to challenge the the basic assumption that journalism is even necessary anymore. ... the ascendant notion in the media industry is that news organizations and American democracy can survive and thrive in a post-journalism era  one that wholly removes journalism from the news media." Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Knowledge to Belief,Known Source to Crowdsource,Services become Games
ENDGADGET 04/03/12 Want to be invisible, but not dead? Ghost Profiles may be for you. -- So, you're saying you can be there, and see all the pictures, but nobody knows you're there, and you don't have to post? Trends:  Shared to Solo, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public)
DATACENTERKNOWLEDGE 04/03/12 What better place for a DarkNet than in the cold silence of Outer Space? -- Bwha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha..... Trends:  Distribution Reforms Around the Net, Location becomes Central,The Renaissance of Copyright,Infrastructure to Nonfrastructure
WSJ 04/03/12 ...words either enter the long-term lexicon or tumble off a cliff into disuse and go '23 skidoo' as children either accept or reject their parents' coinages... -- Wow. Heavy. Far-out. Psychedelic. Groovy. Fab. Real. Dial. Hang up. Hangup. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Known Source to Crowdsource,Research
BBC 03/31/12 This shit is crazy. -- asasfd Trends: 
IPSOS/REUTERS 03/28/12 Argentina, Russia and South Africa show highest social media use at 75%, with the US at 60% and Japan at 35%. -- Email still rules the day in Hungary, Sweden, Belgium, Indonesia, Argentina and Poland, at around 94%. The US lags in VOIP (10%), compared to 36% in Russia and 25% in India. Trends:  Audience to Participants
GUARDIAN 03/27/12 Publishers strike against illicit eBook distributors -- The War Against the War on Copyright (TM) is not over, by any means. Will the bad capitalists make it too painful to steal that which is unprotected? Or will technology make the whole question moot? Trends:  Detecting Pedigree Remotely, The Renaissance of Copyright,Property Rights vs. Human Rights
GUARDIAN 03/27/12 The business model for scholarly papers forms a barrier to the public, but can such walls remain standing? -- Public money is converted to private capital in a number of ways. Increasing someone's cultural capital, through education, is one of those ways. So is funding research. Trends:  Information overload vs ability to comprehend, Detecting Pedigree Remotely,The Renaissance of Copyright
SCALEBOOK 03/26/12 The process of content creation and content consumption is closely related to the hierarchical structure of content types, he said. -- Primary Content is original content produced by original content producers. The rest of these copies are copies. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Audience to Participants
INTERNALMEDICINENEWS 03/26/12 Even after factoring in the munchies? -- Oh, wow, Jello! Trends: 
SCIENCE 03/25/12 Has an effect on the production of insulin. -- Trends: 
ARSTECHNICA 03/22/12 Copyright tries to balance creative pollination and property rights. It's never a good balance. -- But you can calculate where both creative pollination and exploitation of property rights both have the highest numbers. Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, The Renaissance of Copyright
CONTENTMANAGEMENTCONNECTION 03/22/12 Social Media may actually be killing our economy. -- What if the La Brea Tar Pit principle applies to social media space? Every individual part seems to be working, but you have to say 'hello' 24,000 times a day. Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Information overload vs ability to comprehend,Centralized to Distributed,Class Warfare
MCCORMICKNORTHWESTERN 03/20/12 Unconscious Granfalloons trace predetermined paths across the globe, at the bidding of the puppet masters. -- Big Fans of Free Will may find this news a bit chilling. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Solo to Swarm,Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public),Audience to Participants,Services become Games
BEHAVIORMODEL 03/20/12 Motivation, Ability, and Trigger. Sounds like Information, Energy, and Workflow. Thanks to both BJ Fogg AND Roe Fleenor. -- See video See fogg1 See fogg1 You need all three (motivation, ability, and trigger) to create an action. Conversely, if you have any two of "information, energy and workflow", you can create the third. Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Services become Games,Research
ALLTHINGSD 03/18/12 We can now invest directly in startups without going through the Stock Market! -- Nigerian Ministers of Finance everywhere will be thrilled! Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Services become Games,Infrastructure to Nonfrastructure,Centralized to Distributed
WIRED 03/18/12 News desks become coordination centers for media types, instead of news categories,. -- Many former journalists in the crowd now. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Known Source to Crowdsource,Hyper-Local / Small Town Survivors,Nameplate to Disembodied
THENEWREPUBLIC 03/16/12 College Degrees don't work for many Web-era jobs. Are there alternatives. -- Captain Kirk says that there are always alternatives. In this case, finding ways to evaluate the credibility of self-directed education in programming and content-creation skills is the challenge. Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Knowledge to Belief,Detecting Pedigree Remotely
PAIDCONTENT 03/15/12 Here's the rundown on the Army of the War on Copyright. -- A summary of the major content aggregation sites on the Web. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, The Renaissance of Copyright
CNN 03/15/12 Intelligent comments are hard to find among the flamers, liars, braggarts, and the inevitable gaggle of idiots. -- Comment sections can be a gold mine for the readers with the patience, and intelligence, to sort the wheat from the chaff. But the credibility density is often so low that the task is unrewarding. Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 03/11/12 Some of those words are: you lip, lop, hip, hit, mink, ki, no, pun, and the ever-popular LOL. -- Now my hand feels guilty. Trends:  Research
SCIENCEDAILY 03/11/12 So, you're saying that numerology is caused by the QWERTY keyboard? Or that numberology caused the QWERTY keyboard? -- So, that means that Dvorak was ...... the DEVIL! Trends: 
ZDNET 03/08/12 Searching moving inside social media, leaving Google, Bing behind -- Or, search is expanding into social media, and Google and Bing will be in there, too. Trends:  Services become Games, Distribution Reforms Around the Net,The Renaissance of Copyright,Centralized to Distributed,Mass Media to Atomized
TORRENTFREAK 03/08/12 In they can't see it, they can't steal it. -- Or we could cut off their hands, and poke out their eyes. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Detecting Pedigree Remotely,The Renaissance of Copyright
LIVESCIENCE 03/06/12 Stupid people running democracies by popular vote ensure that neither the very best, or the very worst, are elected. -- And in the end, mediocrity is its own reward. See also "People Aren't Smart Enough for Democracy to Flourish". Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Audience to Participants,Class Warfare
LIESLITTLEMYSTERIES 03/06/12 Incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people. -- Or to tell good jokes. Or vote intelligently. Trends: 
NYT 03/06/12 When is reading an eBook not like reading a book? -- When is soaking in a tub not like kayaking through the rapids? "She is constantly fending off the urge to check other media, making it tough to finish books." Trends:  Information overload vs ability to comprehend, Audience to Participants,Print to Electronic to ?,Mass Media to Atomized
Al Jazeera 03/04/12 The Empire Strikes Back! Copyright war is not over. -- Capitalism strikes back, blocking a download site full of scholarly books: textbooks, secondary treatises, obscure monographs, biographical analyses, technical manuals, collections of cutting-edge research in engineering, mathematics, biology, social science and humanities. And books about the business of pronography, but no actual porno. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, The Renaissance of Copyright
FORBES 03/01/12 Oh, now my head hurts. -- "Closing the redemption loop" is when your credit card becomes the snitch in your wallet. Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Detecting Pedigree Remotely,Services become Games,Location becomes Central
SCIENCE 02/29/12 Did they get rich by being honest? -- The feeling of privilege gives one the feeling of permission. Trends:  Class Warfare, Research
CNN 02/27/12 Uh, not so much as managing as "give your data to US instead." -- Trends: 
Narayana, et al, 2012 02/27/12 They can tell who you are, since you use the same words so much, and your style too, especially if it's bad. -- Or did I make that part up? That's another way of telling! Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Detecting Pedigree Remotely
CONTENTSUTRA 02/21/12 "...we have leveraged piracy to help us succeed." -- There is no such thing as bad publicity (except for really bad publicity). Trends:  Audience to Participants, Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Services become Games,Creation to Aggregation,The Renaissance of Copyright
PAIDCONTENT 02/21/12 The App becomes the trans-platform vehicle that connects the publisher with the consumer. -- The phone, the service, the computer company, the software vendor, the advertiser all give way in significance to the App. Trends:  Services become Games, Distribution Reforms Around the Net, Desktop to Mobile, Infrastructure to Nonfrastructure
JohnPaton 02/21/12 Forget about being the Gatekeeper. Get out of the chair and swim in the news stream. -- It's the feed, boss, it's the feed. Always, the feed. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Audience to Participants, Services become Games
Huffington 02/17/12 Big brother -- and his other brothers -- are watching what you tweet! -- Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public)
NYT 02/16/12 Government-centric vs. culturally deterministic theories, again. Still. Forever. It's what makes democracy work. -- Social disorganization has a momentum of its own, handed down through generations like alcoholism, or child abuse. Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Government-centric vs. Culturally deterministic
MASHABLE 02/12/12 Here are tools for analyzing aspects of Twitter and Facebook. -- Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Data to Meta News, Detecting Pedigree Remotely
HUFFINGTON 02/12/12 They're that way for the same reason we're different. PDF FILE -- And the reason is: we're different. Trends:  Information overload vs ability to comprehend, Knowledge to Belief
HP 02/10/12 Four factors count: source, category, style, and name-dropping. -- Like, the Times quoted CNN reporting that that Madonna said that Lady GaGa was way, way into news. Trends:  Detecting Pedigree Remotely, Known Source to Crowdsource
ITWorld 02/09/12 Like a spy spying on two other spies who are spying each other. -- "It's not the sharing that's bad, it's the technological design of giving it all to someone in the middle." Trends:  Data to Meta News, Audience to Participants, Creation to Aggregation
PSYCHOLOGICALSCIENCE 02/04/12 Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact -- Duh. I thought so. Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Research
INFORMATIONWEEK 02/02/12 Pandora's penetration on iOS and Android has created a local mass-media opportunity. -- Pandora mimics Clear Channel by delivering 'local' radio to mobile devices. Except for the 'local' part, which is also missing on Clear Channel. Trends:  Distribution Reforms Around the Net, Centralized to Distributed
AMERICANTHINKER 01/31/12 The overriding interest of this cabal has been and continues to be: the accumulation of power through the control of the income, borrowing and spending by the Federal Government. -- Revealing analysis of the economic structure of the Republican "establishment", and how those interests relate to each other. Trends:  Research
CNN 01/27/12 Social media hampers child development, especially the development of vital social skills. -- And we thought it just made them stupid, dull, self-possessed and shallow. Trends:  Information overload vs ability to comprehend, Shared to Solo
FORBES 01/26/12 We know you don't care about privacy. -- AND you like being ripped off! You're welcome here! Skipity just wants to be up front with you. Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Known Source to Crowdsource
TECHCRUNCH 01/23/12 Take the Facebook feed, your profile data, and the power of Google, and turn all that into a new "feed" just for you! -- Imagine a world all about you. Is this really a good thing? Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Data to Meta News, Creation to Aggregation
RADAR.OREILLY 01/12/12 Daily journalism has always had agile attributes. -- Great start of an idea, but she finishes with lame, vague suggestions. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Mass Media to Atomized
SCIENCEDAILY 01/11/12 Marijuana's hot fumes burn lung tissue and can cause long-term problems. Or not, depending on your source of info. -- It is reasonable to assume that all forms of smoking cause heat damage. Trends: 
STREETFIGHT 01/11/12 They know where you are. And they want your money. -- Bad enough for advertising to intrude on everywaking moment. Now it will intrude on every walking moment, as well. Trends:  Location becomes Central, Services become Games
activepolitic.com 01/07/12 It's yours, they took it. 46% of adults and 75% of young people have bought, copied, or downloaded some copyright infringing material -- And they liked it. Does law follow behavior, or behavior follow law? Copyright has evolved greatly since its invention during the reign of Queen Anne. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, The Renaissance of Copyright
NIEMAN 01/07/12 Burt Herman writes: "Journalism will be more collaborative, embracing the fundamental social nature of the Internet." -- The transformation of citizens into journalists is an effect of the spread of technology into the hands of intelligent people. Also unintelligent people, and therein 'lies the rub.' Trends:  Audience to Participants, Known Source to Crowdsource, Creation to Aggregation
NIEMAN 01/07/12 Decentralized, Real-time, Collaborative, Curated -- the production of news overlaps into the population. -- And we better get with it, in it, on it, and in service to it. Trends: 
TechZwn 01/07/12 They're coming to get you. -- The counter-attack on copyright was enabled by technology, as was the original attack.l Trends:  Distribution Reforms Around the Net, Creation to Aggregation, The Renaissance of Copyright
YELVINGTON 12/30/11 Steve Yelvington knows that the power is shifting from the journalist to the reader. -- 1. Time. It's not just about the volatility of news. Brands are volatile. Ideas are volatile. Change has accelerated. In such an environment, "the way we do things here" is probably wrong. Challenge everything. If "news" is "old" moments later, are there things you could be doing with your time that create longer-lasting value? 2. Surplus. Newspapers evolved in an era of information scarcity. As I write this, an estimated 12.51 billion Web pages are at our fingertips. In such a glut, clarity and simplicity become scarce. What are you doing that helps guide people through this clutter? 3. Control. Gatekeeping died back in the last century. Everyone is a self-publisher. Information flows around would-be barriers in a globally networked conversation. You can't manage information in this environment. But can you lead? Do you understand what is implied by that question? How can you leverage this process? Trends:  Services become Games, Centralized to Distributed
GUARDIAN 12/12/11 Business Models for Long-Form Journalism (and hey, copyright law). -- A thinly-disguised promo for an iPhone App that coordinates products built from stolen content. Trends:  Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth, Creation to Aggregation, The Renaissance of Copyright
MEDICALXPRESS 12/02/11 Let's have a contest to see who can drive the slowest. -- Not only are stoners driving slower, they're pretty sure they're stoned. Trends: 
STREETFIGHT 11/22/11 A quick primer on Copyright and Fair Use for the benefit of aggregators. -- Not too much, not too commercial, is it real, what's it worth? Trends:  Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth, The Renaissance of Copyright
ALLVOICES 11/15/11 You are a journalist if you say you are, and here's a place where they will treat you like you say you're a journalist. -- And they laughed when you sat down at the keyboard! Trends:  Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth, Creation to Aggregation, Hyper-Local / Small Town Survivors
- 11/15/11 OK, so, the credibility question is really coming into focus now! -- See also My6Sense, Scoop.it, Pearltrees, FlipBoard, Zite, AOL Editions, Pulse, Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth, Creation to Aggregation
BING 11/15/11 Editor's will build recommendations for web sites. -- One at a time? Sites will be assigned attributes that may be "reviewed" by someone with an "editor's" title. Trends: 
TORRENTFREAK 11/14/11 Jason Mazzone, of the Brooklyn Law School, shows how contracts expand copyright law. -- Again, this turns on a property issue. By contractually restricting the rights of a purchaser of content (like a DVD), does that same contractual limitation apply to the person who steals the DVD, or downloads the content? Trends:  The Renaissance of Copyright, Mass Media to Atomized
DUKEUNIVERSITY 11/10/11 The Pedigree of Sound and Images is detectable by identifying areas that have been changed. -- Just like you can tell where wall paint has been touched-up. Well, better, actually. Trends:  Detecting Pedigree Remotely, Creation to Aggregation
MASHABLE 11/08/11 It's not enough that they're stealing the content. -- They're keeping it in cages, and training it as a circus act. Trends:  Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth, Creation to Aggregation
DUKEUNIVERSITY 11/07/11 Fair use ... developed in order to make judges more comfortable with a vast expansion of copyrights scope, precisely to provide an economic windfall to rights holders. -- As Bracha points out, there was a shift in progress from looking primarily at the new works usefulness to the reading audience to primarily protecting the market value of the original in all its potential forms. These two cases are on the trailing edge of that shift; the last gasps of the older notion of allowing free adaptations when there was a clear social benefit. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, The Renaissance of Copyright
PLOS 10/15/11 The Meta-News of Twitter again reveals real-time sentiment tracking -- The news is that "The flow of information produces information about the flow of information". Trends:  News to Meta News, Creation to Aggregation
KNIGHTMEDIA 10/15/11 Automatically follow the Twitter threads about the future of Journalism. -- Aggregated content about the aggregation of meta-news content about news content, and the discussions thereby generated --- on Twitter. Trends:  News to Meta News, Mass Media to Atomized
SPJ / SDX 10/04/11 Ethics is third, contained within the concept of press independence. -- Then, after all that, we can think about what's right. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, The Renaissance of Copyright, Research
BITS.BLOGS.NYT 10/03/11 Even tweakier than now? Search results are a total result of detailed configuration files. -- The concept of search results as content brings up the issues of content amalgamation and copyright. Google reader proffers that which is available. Google search proffers that which is visible, categorized and ranked. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, Nameplate to Disembodied, Research
LAWWEEKCOLORADO 10/02/11 The right to sue is linked to owning the copyright. Duh. -- The Copyright Wars are not only continuing, but will probably intensify, as the paradigm of content aggregation on the Web challenges the traditional ethics of journalism. Expect to see sharpening debate around the interpretation of "fair use". Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, The Renaissance of Copyright, Research
NYT 10/02/11 Content aggregation as an App on the iPhone -- With permission, of course, represents the legal method, also the high-cost method, published for paying customers. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, Nameplate to Disembodied, The Renaissance of Copyright, Research
PEW 10/02/11 Technology will resolve all the copyright issues. But Fair Use becomes the new battle line -- Content amalgamation is a self-solving prolbem, eventually. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, Nameplate to Disembodied, The Renaissance of Copyright, Research
BLOGS.WSJ 09/22/11 Turns out Cyberspace has an street address, and it's yours! -- GPS-phones may show cyber-businesses squatting on your physical store, a very obscure form of Real Estate "porno". Trends:  Nameplate to Disembodied, Desktop to Mobile, Mass Media to Atomized
HUFFINGTONPOST 09/10/11 An slip-up in a restaurant listing was amplified by content aggregators, and ruined a business. -- Matt Vlz wrote this for the Huffington Post, not realizing he was keying on the Pedigree of Information issue. Trends:  Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth
WIKIPEDIA 09/06/11 Journalism is about selling your world-view. -- Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion
REUTERS 09/04/11 China sees both the political and economic dangers of the Net -- The political and economic problems are similar: business desires to find a way to re-protect profits from copyrights and other intellectual property, and the Chinese government seeks to protect political power and the control of ideological thought and other intellectual property. Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, The Renaissance of Copyright
THETECHNIUM 08/30/11 Kevin Kelly thinks information is the fastest growing thing on this planet. -- 100 Gigapixel cameras take bigger pictures, and bigger is "better", right? Trends:  Information overload vs ability to comprehend, Data to Meta News, Research
PAIDCONTENT 08/30/11 Fair Use interpretations define the battle over academic access to orphaned works. -- The Fair Use debate stretches across all major media. Trends:  The Renaissance of Copyright, Centralized to Distributed,Research
TIMESHIGHERED 08/30/11 US Awaits Fair Use Ruling -- The trend of copyrights on the net has re-energized rights holders to seek greater technological control -- and revenue -- from copyrights. The battle for music may also be rejoined. Trends:  The Renaissance of Copyright, Centralized to Distributed
TECHCRUNCH 08/26/11 Only 31 types of Web pages, and DiffBot reads them all. -- The ultimate tool for content aggregators, this puppy can slurp your web page, extract the content, and spit out the bones. At least, that's what I imagine! Trends:  Infrastructure to Nonfrastructure, Nameplate to Disembodied
h 08/21/11 -- Trends: 
ONLINEJOURNALISMREVIEW 08/19/11 "Incremental daily journalism traditionally has had no financial value to a publisher beyond its value as a vehicle for advertising." -- Robert Niles -- What is news worth? Robert Niles breaks it down per story based on actual newspaper economics (if such a phrase can still be used.) Trends:  Print to Electronic to ?, Mass Media to Atomized,Property Rights vs. Human Rights,Government-centric vs. Culturally deterministic,Research
STAMBROSE.EDU 08/18/11 Consumers give up certain personal information willingly, -- Trends: 
PRICEGRABBER 08/18/11 Consumers respond to economic uncertainty by shifting spending online, which they perceive as less costly. -- The online shift is expected to stay in place even if the economy improves. Trends: 
RICHARDFLOYD.wordpress.com 08/18/11 Not only can news and information reach you anywhere, anytime, but of course so can advertising. -- Richard Floyd is Pastor Emeritus of First Church of Christ in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He interviewed Martin Langeveld of the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard. Trends: 
GIGAOM 08/16/11 Linking content access to a single manufacturer's device is anti-competitive. -- Trends:  Print to Electronic to ?
NYT 08/09/11 Is it real, or is it anonymous? -- How can the crowd-sourced product of a male-dominated Western-dominated society turn out to be Western, and male-dominated? Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Audience to Participants
pdf 08/09/11 What people do, and in which order. Online. -- see pdf on hp 20110809 Trends:  Synergy at Vortex Points
SCIENCEBLOG 08/03/11 As ye think, so shall ye be. -- The influences of beliefs are routinely underestimated. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Knowledge to Belief
TECHREPORT 07/16/11 I BELIEVE that I like Cheetos. -- Now that I have decided that I like Cheetos, you HAVE to like them too! Really! Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Information overload vs ability to comprehend
COMPUTERWORLD 07/16/11 You said it. And I stole it, but not all of it, just enough to make a critical comment and a derivitive work and an annuity revenue stream. -- Trends:  Creation to Aggregation, Nameplate to Disembodied, The Renaissance of Copyright, Research
SCIENTFICAMERICAN 07/09/11 Beliefs come first; explanations for beliefs follow. I believe that. -- I believe I'll have a drink, and then I think I'll believe that Obama was born in the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Knowledge to Belief
GOOGLE 06/12/11 You stole my stuff, and I CAUGHT YOU! This may be a new metaphor for the organization of business models. -- HTML Authorship tags can shift the balance of power between content creators and producers. For a while. See Ted Nelson for details. Trends:  Nameplate to Disembodied, The Renaissance of Copyright, Mass Media to Atomized, Research
BuzzMachine 06/04/11 The article -- disembodied from its nameplate -- further disintigrates into tweets and twitches. -- At the dawn of telephones, reporters would phone "takes" of the story to a rewrite desk at the daily paper, and wire-service stories would be transmitted in paragraphs written as details emerged. Trends:  Nameplate to Disembodied, Mass Media to Atomized, Research
slashdot 06/02/11 The Twitterverse is "unable to overcome the biological and physical constraints that limit stable social relations" because the Dunbar limit is real. -- "Back in early '90s, British anthropologist Robin Dunbar began studying human social groups, measuring the number of people an individual can maintain regular contact with, and came up with 150  a number that appears to be constant throughout human history  from the size of neolithic villages to military units to 20th century contact books. But in the last decade, social networking technology has had a profound influence on the way people connect, vastly increasing the ease with which we can communicate with and follow others, so it's not uncommon for tweeters to follow and be followed by thousands of others. Now Bruno Goncalves has studied the network of links created by three million Twitter users over four years. After counting tweets that are mutual and regular as signifying a significant social bond, he found that when people start tweeting, their number of friends increases to a saturation point until they become overwhelmed. Beyond that saturation point, the conversations with less important contacts start to become less frequent and the tweeters begin to concentrate on the people they have the strongest links with. So what is the saturation point? The answer is between 100 and 200, just as Dunbar predicts. 'This finding suggests that even though modern social networks help us to log all the people with whom we meet and interact,' says Goncalves, 'they are unable to overcome the biological and physical constraints that limit stable social relations (PDF).'" See http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/26824/?p1=Blogs Trends:  Synergy at Vortex Points, Information overload vs ability to comprehend
USAToday 06/02/11 Redefining TV is the effect of the process, not the goal. -- The real clue is the extension into media space of the passion of the enthusiast retailer. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Local to Granfalloon, Synergy at Vortex Points
NIEMANJLAB 05/12/11 -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Nameplate to Disembodied
NYT 05/07/11 Information, Energy, and Workflow create an explosive combination at the cutting edge of technology and culture. -- The key here may be the cutting edge of technology and culture. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Synergy at Vortex Points
RT.com 05/07/11 Privacy is an illusion if you live online. -- The presence of a lack of privacy identifies the need for the opposite of this condition. Both facts argue for the pedigree of information. Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Audience to Participants, Research
HUFFINGTONPOST 04/25/11 Add this to the 'meta-news' wave, where multiple individuals make better predictions than a few pros -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Known Source to Crowdsource
HUFFINGTONPOST 04/25/11 Add this to the 'meta-news' wave, where multiple individuals make better predictions than a few pros -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Known Source to Crowdsource
NEWSWEEK 10/24/10 Fleeting is the warm glow of popularity. -- Part of Digg's demise was self-inflicted, but part was also how easy it was to manipulate Digg's recommendations through covert group action. Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Nameplate to Disembodied,Mass Media to Atomized
NYT 10/24/10 Profitable stories are profitable because they engage readers, or deliver a commercial advantage. -- Bottom line: Engaged readers are good for advertisers. This should not be a surprise. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Audience to Participants
APPMARKETbeta 10/14/10 Will Dick Tracey get PPV on his WristTV? -- Trends:  Mass Media to Atomized
WIRED 10/12/10 What did you say? -- Trends:  Information overload vs ability to comprehend, Known Source to Crowdsource, Nameplate to Disembodied, Mass Media to Atomized, Research
BLOOMBERGBIZWEEK 10/09/10 Would Karl Marx have an iPad? -- High graphic quality and top-end products doing well in the elite walled garden. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Print to Electronic
ADAGE 10/01/10 The Video Was Soooooo Long! -- It was still playing right after I started it. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Mass Media to Atomized
TECHCRUNCH 09/29/10 More is more. -- More or less. The scattered Android marketplace has increased power, but lower visibility. Trends:  Desktop to Mobile, Homepage to Browser to AppsGadgets
ADAGE 09/29/10 They did it early, and they did it right. -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Mass Media to Atomized
BROADBANDTVNEWS 09/20/10 Adapter Connects TVs to WWW -- The internet-everywhere device world is set to explode. Trends: 
GIGAOM 09/20/10 Webbing public TV broadcasts without licensing agreements. -- First, we pay all the lawyers. Then, we pay them some more. Cheaper than creating new content, eh? Trends: 
GIGAOM 09/20/10 Webbing public TV broadcasts without licensing agreements. -- First, we pay all the lawyers. Then, we pay them some more. Cheaper than creating new content. Trends: 
9TO5MAC 09/20/10 Jobs Building Apple-Only TV Space -- without Adobe Flash -- Can you feel anything when I do this? How about this? This? Trends: 
GAMESPOT 09/16/10 Don't teach them to shoot with video guns. -- Only real guns allowed up to age 17. Trends:  Audience to Participants
READWRITEWEB.COM 09/16/10 It'w Not What You're Looking For. -- It's who your chatting with/about when you're looking for that counts Trends:  Geography to Topic, Local to Granfalloon
SECURITYWEEK 09/16/10 Facebook is a Two-Faced Street. -- Social media can open gaping holes in a company's ability to control its message, and its data. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Known Source to Crowdsource
ARSTECHNICA 09/12/10 Multiple interpersonal connections speed the spread of behaviors. -- Disease, on the other hand, spreads primarily by contact. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Solo to Swarm,Audience to Participants
BUSINESSINSIDER 09/12/10 Sometimes it's the Chips. Other times it's the Salsa. -- The real battle here is for the creation of new branded channel space for pay-per-content. It's, like, the store, you know? Trends:  Free to Paid, Nameplate to Service Bureau
NYT 09/12/10 When Will We Be Anonymous Enough? -- The phone number has changed from a form of identification to a method of disguise. And phone companies, in particular, are doing very well because of it. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Desktop to Mobile
ASYMCO 09/12/10 Compared to what? -- I just love reporters who are impressed by big numbers. "One Billion Dollars. Wow!" Is that a lot for the size of iTunes business? Uh, the answer would be "no". Trends:  Mass Media to Atomized
NYT 09/04/10 Talking dirty: "The future of peripheral attention is social networking, and the trick is to harness such attention  some call it distraction  well." -- Metaphors be with you! Turn all those distracting other things on the page into mind networked, data-mapped, socialized mind candy. Use Keywords! Oh, Wow! (sigh) Trends:  , Homepage to Browser to AppsGadgets
NEWTEEVEE 09/04/10 When elephants dance, ants get nervous. -- The small fry of the cable world are going to be looking for new relationships. Trends:  Homepage to Browser to AppsGadgets
FIERCEONLINEVIDEO 09/04/10 You may ask yourself, "What is thePlatform?" -- Comments following a year of new ppv service platform rollout. Trends: 
YAHOO 09/01/10 Unexpected news for the Party Party. -- But candy will still rot your teeth. Trends: 
NYT 08/31/10 Creepy guys in hoodies sneak up your driveway. -- There they are, on every Web page you visit. They have your new shoes. You know, the ones you looked at last week? One the Web? Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Nameplate to Disembodied
WASHINGTONEXAMINER/AP 08/23/10 Sports will be the next fraction to be cut off from local papers. -- A death of a thousand cuts. Remember real estate? Auto sections? Classifieds? Kiss your sports goodbye. Trends:  News to Meta News, Geography to Topic
YAHOO 08/23/10 Patch will not kill your local newspaper. -- When the end finally comes, it will be ruled a "justifiable suicide." Trends:  General to Local, Print to Electronic
SCRIPTING.COM 08/22/10 Proprietary systems and closed shops were all the rage in 1974. -- If you loved the way CompuGraphic, Addressograph-Multigraph, Varityper, or Merganthaler used to do business, you're going to love Apple! Trends:  Desktop to Mobile, Audience to Participant, Print to Electronic, Homepage to Browser to AppsGadgets , Nameplate to Service Bureau
Dr. Philip A. Tresadern 08/22/10 Open the Pod Bay door, Hal. -- You look at your phone; it looks back at you. What is it thinking? Trends:  Audience to Participant, Centralized to Distributed, Desktop to Mobile, Homepage to Browser to AppsGadgets , Known Source to Crowdsource, Mass Media to Atomized, Shared to Solo
ECONOMIST 08/16/10 Dogs do it, too. -- And Frat boys. Leaving trails of scent to communicate with others of your species is a survival behavior. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Nameplate to Disembodied, Known Source to Crowdsource, Audience to Participant
NPR 08/16/10 Tasking is good. Multi-tasking can be good, but it can also block our view of the road. -- Multi-multi-multi-tasking, however, is not so good. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Information overload vs ability to comprehend
GUARDIAN 08/16/10 Construction of Darth Murdoch's Death Star Paper is underway in the far reaches of the Galaxy. -- News Corp is targeting the younger set with a pure mobile play, targeting iPads and smartphones. Trends:  , Print to Electronic
AP/SEATTLETIMES 08/16/10 Is the professional journalist the one with the Journalism degree, or the one being shot at? -- The depressing thing about the future of Journalism is that Journalism training is out the window. The trick is in finding a new way to maintain reliability and accuracy among a gaggle of volunteers. Trends:  , Known Source to Crowdsource
SCIENCEDAILY 08/12/10 Research Reported to California Legislature. -- "reasonable evidence that cannabis is a promising treatment" for some specific, pain-related medical conditions, they say. These may include surgery-related pains, joint and bone pain, and the pain of being a Jazz Musician. Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 08/12/10 Evangelicals and Hipppies alike make recreational drug usage decisions in the context of their reproductive strategies? Who knew? -- I knew. Every Hippie in Boulder knew. Every frat rat drinking beer on Friday night knew. My parents knew, and they tried their best to keep me away from it. And, now, Science knows it, too. Trends: 
NETVIBES 08/11/10 Let users build the "paper" they want. Unfortunately, "NetVibes" interface is a chunky-monkey giants scroller that merely ("merely") parses other sites' news pages and reproduces them verbatin, without the ads. -- On the other hand, the concept is excellent. Let them (readers users) build their own nameplated-page full of gadgets and news feeds and filtered searches. Let them pick from columns and sections. Let the user vote on which parts of the content package have value. Trends:  Free to Paid,
NYT 08/10/10 Programming costs my break up the cable tiers. -- Still angry about golf & cooking channels and no real sci-fi anymore. Trends:  Free to Paid, Print to Electronic, Geography to Topic
CNN 08/09/10 We can see what you're thinking. -- "Never before have academic researchers had access to this much real-time public information about what people are thinking and saying." Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Audience to Participant, News to Meta News, Local to Granfalloon
AP 08/08/10 Android and iPhone App lets users connect directly. -- The final atomization of media will be followed by a reception at the River Styx. Trends:  Mass Media to Atomized, Print to Electronic
DAILYMAIL 08/08/10 I'd worry more about drivers who are reading. Or shaving. Or putting on makeup. -- Any device that monopolizes your attention -- as good media does -- takes you away from your real-world tasks. Yet, this represents no net change from the past. Drivers have been crashing their cars into things because they were distracted since cares were invented. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Desktop to Mobile, News to Meta News, Shared to Solo
ALTERNET 08/08/10 Who knew you couldn't trust a shouting crowd? -- Crowd-sourced networks are vulnerable to devious maniulation. Majority rule is the danger in democracy. Trends:  Knowledge to Belief, Known Source to Crowdsource
MYTYPE 07/29/10 Porsches are not evil cars. -- But their owners are usually, uh, "characteristic." Turns out the same might be said of users of Apple iAnythingers, Pit Bull dog owners, Coca Cola die-hards, and Hummer SUV drivers. (OK, I made up the Hummer part. But, think about it.) Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Addiction to Habit Forming Technologies,Audience to Participants,Desktop to Mobile,Class Warfare
APPLEINSIDER 07/29/10 Don't Assume That Apple Is Groovy. -- Pay top dollar for everything (note: a very high-quality "everything") and then have to sit through ads? Sounds like going to the movies. Trends:  Free to Paid
FORBES 07/29/10 Crowdsourcing Greatest Threat to Publishing, Too. -- Crowdsourcing combines the best features of professional-quality work and slavery, with just a touch of fluff and BS. Not the best place to look for truth. Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Local to Granfalloon
REUTERS 07/27/10 New, citizen-mediated reporting and information sources still need the wisdom (uh, experience) and savvy (uh, access to the pipes) of traditional media gto provide analysis -- According to this analysis by traditional media, of course, which did not break the story. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed
SYDNEYMORNINGHERALD 07/27/10 Newspapers have already had this conversation. -- Free circulation vs. paid has always been the frontier, with Free dominating the smaller community pubs and paid dominating the capital-intensive high-circulation dailies and magazines. It is usually a function of geographic scale. Trends:  , Nameplate to Disembodied
METAWEB 07/18/10 Barcodes for content. A unique approach to making information valuable (or findable). -- notes "Metaweb provide real-time indexing of ""partners"" content and cross-mapping their content molecules to a category of millions of ""entities"" (uh, ""subjects."")" Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Audience to Participants,Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion,Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth,Creation to Aggregation,Mass Media to Atomized
NEWSER 07/17/10 Yes, Newser. Citing "sources." -- Some reports have Murdoch's London paywall failing miserably. Other reports (not reported here) say the numbers are misleading, as all "dead tree" subscribers have full access. Trends:  Free to Paid, Print to Electronic
METAWEB 07/17/10 A unique approach to makeing information valuable. -- Metaweb provide real-time indexing of "partners" content and cross-mapping their content molecules to a category of millions of "entities" (uh, "subjects.") Trends:  News to Meta News
HARVARDGAZETTE 07/14/10 BWAW-HA-HA-HA! -- I am as strong a ten men, for my heart is pure. Just believing that you are Good (or Evil) increases your endurance, makes you stronger. Trends: 
GUARDIAN_UK 07/09/10 But Executive Managers got some really, really keen bonuses! -- After all, the boat is only sinking on the bottom. The top is still quite dry. Trends:  Hyper-Local / Small Town Survivors
BLOOMBERGBW 07/09/10 "The issue is not how much people value access to a particular newspaper, but whether comparable content is available elsewhere for a cheaper price." Hal Varian, Google's Chief Economist. -- On the other hand, a newspaper filled with news that's available everywhere -- like AP -- is worth . . . less? Trends: 
MARKETWATCH 07/09/10 The battle for control of transactions is underway, with Google, Apple, NewsCorp, and many others vying for the nickle. -- Or the brass ring. Trends: 
EDITORSWEBLOG 06/10/10 Carole Wurzelbacher'S take on AOL's approach to Citizen Journalism. Smart woman. -- She mentions that AOL's Tim Armstrong said "content space will become the epicenter of the internet." I would note that "Epicenter" is the surface spot directly above (as Wikipedia claims) "the point where the fault begins to rupture, and in most cases, it is the area of greatest damage." Deep below the rocky crust of the internet, the molten force of citizen journalism presses relentlessly upward, seeking a lane to the land of the light. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Hyper-Local / Small Town Survivors
NYPOST 06/09/10 Preppy-tax the iPad to pay for news? -- Change copyright law? Grant anti-trust exemptions? Give journalism tax breaks? Make government subsidies for news? Make journalism a branch office of Homeland Security? Golly, Molly, this sure sounds strange! Trends: 
TORRENTFREAK 06/09/10 If it's media, it's for sale in Spain. -- Rampant bootlegging and file sharing threatens EU, World Copyrights Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, News to Meta News
SALON 06/08/10 The Evil Empire has a new proprietor. -- Meanwhile, back at the old Evil Empire, Ballmer is still criticizing Vista. Trends: 
PCMAG 06/05/10 Everything On Your Camera/Phone is Mine! -- Applications that use the cloud as a router, and automatically collect images and other data from cellphones and other interactive devices from within a geographic area. Another really great idea with some really frightening unintended consequences. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Mass Media to Atomized
NYT 06/05/10 The trend to smaller news outfits covering larger territories continues. -- Trends: 
NYT 06/02/10 The News, the whole news, and only the news. -- What, no happy faces? Refocusing the web page on the reader, removing the distractions of advertising and links, may be just what the reading doctor ordered. Trends: 
NYT 05/27/10 Money is the root of all evil. -- And Greed is the root of money. Even worse than a rotten apple in the barrel is a greedy corporate monolith squeezing consumers in myriad ways. Trends: 
PAIDCONTENTUK 05/27/10 No more printed newspaper? -- After seeing this morning's Denver Post, I am thinking this might be a good result. Trends:  Free to Paid, Print to Electronic
CRIKEY.COM.AU 05/25/10 If it looks like a newspaper, and doesn't make money for newspapers, who gives a crap? -- You should. And you should be very, very worried. The iPad and similar devices can't save a business that depends on publishing a version of the same product in every city. Trends:  Free to Paid, Nameplate to Service Bureau
DENVERPOST 05/25/10 The Post calls it an eBay-like service for online articles, photos and video. -- An online app-store for bloggers and freelance journalists, utilizing market forces in place of centralized editing and control. Trends:  Audience to Participant, Centralized to Distributed
NPR 05/25/10 Meta-news (news about news) is turning out to be accurate. -- A thousand wagging tongues is worth a single picture. Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 05/21/10 And by rips we mean asunder, using Apple's 1984 ad metaphor as the backdrop. -- Google is not the sleeping giant, because Google is not asleep. Trends: 
NEWYORKOBSERVER 05/21/10 Terrible headline. Great story. -- Hyper-local NYC lower-east-side news site funded by Wyoming billionaire tackles the small. Trends:  Audience to Participant,
NYT 05/20/10 Can you feel anything when I do this? -- The oldest game on the web is fooling search engines so people see your porno. As news becomes the ultimate fractal business model, every little sticky spot will help. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Mass Media to Atomized
INFORMATIONWEEK 05/20/10 But what about my Home Page? -- A social-network cluster-based platform is THE REAL Newspaper of the Future. Trends: 
NYT 05/14/10 mwCPcw srptazpa bzwwicgl iryboqui -- mwCPcw srptazpa bzwwicgl iryboqui Trends:  Nameplate to Service Bureau
NYT 05/13/10 Newspapers deliver more paper than news. -- The value of the newspaper industry has always been its delivery system. Now, with coupon redemption rates soaring, new eyes are looking at that channel. Trends:  General to Local
HUFFINGTONPOST 05/06/10 Reuters decline reflects print woes. -- News service customers cut back forcing profits down. Trends: 
EDISONRESEARCH 05/03/10 Twitter is a Seven Percent Solution. -- Thirty-two percent of Americans believe in ghosts, 37% percent believe their houses are haunted, 10% believe that the moon landing was staged. Oops. Over the 140-character limit. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Mass Media to Atomized
CHARLIESDIARY 05/03/10 Always On, at the Highest Price, the Store is Open, and Traitors Will Be Shot. -- Meet the new boss. In the Always On CloudWorld of the Future, Steve Jobs will deny that Orwell ever existed. Trends: 
GIZMODO 05/03/10 You have relatives in Germany? -- Apple's New Motto: Everything we know we learned from Scientology. Trends: 
ZDNET 05/03/10 The good gardener pulls the weeds, applies the mulch, and tenderly cares for the seedlings. -- The evil gardener within implements developer terms, hunts down unloyal gardeners, and brings out a new model of carrot every year. Trends: 
NEWS&TECH 05/03/10 The iPad and mobile markets are exploding, and publishers must get in. -- Like wild horses to fresh water. Trends:  Desktop to Mobile,
MARKETWATCH 05/03/10 You will see many stories like this. -- The arc of probabilities includes the possibility that the story itself -- not the newspaper, the edition, or the page -- is the only place where value can be found. Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 05/03/10 Lots of small revenue sources can add to major revenue. -- But not if you're only trick is printing papers. Trends: 
SLASHDOT 05/01/10 Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. -- But that's not all. We'll also include free shipping and handling. At first. Trends: 
COMEDYCENTRAL 04/29/10 He busted down Gizmodo's door for giving the phone back. -- Fuck the man, man. Trends: 
STANFORD 04/26/10 They can make you made, but they can't make you vote. -- The e ects of online news readership on interest in politics do not carry over to political participation, measured in terms of either voter registration or actually turning out to vote in presidential elections. Trends: 
AP SUNTIMES 04/26/10 The rate of decline is declining. -- That;s the good news. The bad news is another 6-8 percent of newspaper readers have vanished. Trends: 
NTIA 04/26/10 Snapshot of online user behavior in 2000. -- Trends: 
PARC 04/26/10 How people attend to content and the robustness of communities formed through social media. -- Examines community behavior within major corporations. Trends: 
UMARYLAND 04/23/10 Addiction symptoms similar to drugs and alcohol. Addiction behavior similar to porn. -- The addicting aspect is the heightened sensory experience of anticipating the NEXT message, which is greater than the pleasure of the message still on the screen. It's the gambler's experience. It's the homicidal maniac's experience. It's the online gaming experience. Trends:  Solo to Swarm, Information overload vs ability to comprehend
HAVARDBIZSCHOOL 04/21/10 People just love to look at pictures. -- The biggest usage categories are men looking at women they don't know, followed by men looking at women they do know. Overall, women receive two-thirds of all page views. But men's tweets are followed by both sexes much more than expected by chance. Go figure. Trends: 
PEW 04/21/10 Men are first out of the blocks in trying the latest technologies. -- Women show a greater emphasis on deepening connections with people. Trends: 
NIELSENWIRE 04/21/10 Member Communities activity soaked up one in every 15 online minutes in 2007, one in 11 in 2008 worldwide. -- The number is one is six in the U.K., and one in four in Brazil. Some suspect that US Teenagers actually spend more minutes online than living. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Mass Media to Atomized
TNSGLOBAL 04/21/10 This, of course, gives Comcast something to think about. -- Fortunately, everybody watches TV while surfing. Well, almost everybody. Trends: 
TREMENDOUSNEWS 04/16/10 What are the odds that Twitter will become a trusted news source? -- What are the odds of winning the lottery? Trends: 
NYT 04/11/10 Private-pond news is a tempting concept. -- The hard part is building a page that not valuable if it is read. The reverse-headedness of the concept is what makes it difficult. Trends:  Free to Paid, General to Local
EDITOR&PUBLISHER 04/08/10 The need to be the first to hear breaking news. -- Bad news for paper, but good news for news. Trends: 
BIZWEEK 04/08/10 Searching Google for 'Murdoch: Stop Google Links' produced 663,000 links. -- 'Stupid newspapers' produced 12,800,000 links. Trends: 
POLKCOUNTYDEMOCRAT 04/08/10 Local news may be a hole to small for the Internet to crawl in to. -- The danger is being blindsided by the power of the small. Twitter may be the greatest enemy of traditional news. Trends: 
NYT 04/08/10 The myth of editorial independence melts as ad revenue drops. -- Newspapers have long known not to bite the hand that feeds them. Once they stop feeding, however, things can change. Trends: 
NYT 04/08/10 Japanese daily lifts paywall around web site. -- Perhaps we will develop a yen for the good old days. Trends:  Free to Paid, General to Local, Small Town Survivors
NYT 04/08/10 Disembodied investigative journalism will start to resemble trenchcoat-wearing private detectives. -- Something smells fishy, and it ain't oyster stew, according to Bertha Cool. Trends: 
MARKETWATCH 04/07/10 Service links advertisers via newspaper listings, newspaper web sites or search engines, or via mobile phones or navigation devices. -- Finally, a service that sees with an advertiser's perspective. The next frontier will be providing fulfillment services between advertisers and customers. Trends: 
Kevin Kelly 04/07/10 Tweets can predict the performance of films better than market-based predictions. -- Go back and re-read Kevin's New Rules for a New Economy from a decade ago, and pay attention to the small and the edge. Trends: 
LATIMES 04/06/10 The sum total of all tweets is more accurate than any individual twit. -- We call it "Meta-News", information derived from information overload. Trends:  News to Meta News, Audience to Participants
BIZWEEK 04/06/10 They carried stuff out of the house until it was an empty shell. -- And then they started ripping the siding and the shingles off, and carried away the doors and windows. But it was still our home. Trends:  Small Town Survivors, National to Local
BIZINSIDER 04/01/10 Will have replacement for Scientology by 2014. -- Apple Oxygen and Apple Electricity on the drawing board, to be released after the rollout of Apple Saliva and Hemoglobin. Trends: 
BUSINESSINSIDER 03/31/10 Well, what do you know, the story asks? -- Not as much as we thought. Apple's iPhones hammered AT&T with needless overhead, until engineers from both firm worked to limit the load that iPhones placed on cell towers. Trends: 
DENVERPOST 03/28/10 You're just now figuring that out? -- Golly. After 20 years of email, chat, discussion boards, with screamers, flamers, freaks, skulkers, lurkers, and posting bots, you are starting to think that the Blogasphere might be filled with Caca de Vaca Toro? Trends: 
NYT 03/28/10 $1.48 a week. -- The Times and Sunday Times will implement a combined website behind a paywall. $1.48 x 365 = $540.20 per year. That's on par with Dish TV, Basic Cable, or 10 minutes in a Apple store. Trends: 
CITIZENMEDIA 03/23/10 But I only stole the consonants! -- I made the vowels up all by myself! And the, punctuation, too. Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 03/22/10 A roundup of other tablet devices in the market. -- None of them come with the Apple T-shirt. Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 03/22/10 No. -- Multitasking, USB or other ports, camera, flash, removable battery, GPS. Does have WiFi, 3g, multitouch, external keyboard. Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 03/22/10 It's almost like having a computer that you can carry around, like a notebook. -- It's almost like have a phone that doesn't work. Trends: 
NEWSER 03/20/10 Paywalls are no protection from content theft. -- Think about it. For $6 a month, Newser can take all your stuff anyway and distribute it to zillions of readers. Trends:  Free to Paid
TOMSHARDWARE 03/20/10 Nobody every wanted one anyway. -- Other bad ideas: portable phones, indoor plumbing, fire. Trends: 
ASIASENTINEL 03/17/10 Hong Kong's South China Morning Post declares loss. -- The newspaper business shrinkage may be inversely linked to the broadband penetration rate in a nation/market. Trends: 
WASHINGTONBIZJOURNALS 03/17/10 Remember Page Item Counts? -- When USA Today launced with 60 to 120 visual items on the front page, the newspaper industry was stunned. The busy-page style is perfect for heavy coffee drinkers. Trends: 
PEW2010 03/17/10 On the bright side, internet advertising was also down. -- But it hurts less than it could if it hurt less than it does. Trends: 
EDITORANDPUBLISHER 03/17/10 Running out of things to count. -- Will include e-reader, mobile, frequency, platform and distribution methods along with online data from comScore, Omniture and Nielsen Online. Trends: 
PORTFOLIO.COM 03/17/10 Slight Gain In Cable Revenue Causes Euphoria. -- The ocean does not look deep from the top. Surely the bottom is near. Trends: 
BUSINESSINSIDER 03/17/10 I3fBwV rnzjkgzshqnx, [url=http://ljufydimfmmz.com/]ljufydimfmmz[/url], [link=http://xbmqgujqozyv.com/]xbmqgujqozyv[/link], http://ivskiyudfyin.com/ -- I3fBwV rnzjkgzshqnx, [url=http://ljufydimfmmz.com/]ljufydimfmmz[/url], [link=http://xbmqgujqozyv.com/]xbmqgujqozyv[/link], http://ivskiyudfyin.com/ Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Research,Services become Games
BUSINESSINSIDER 03/17/10 Anything you can do (except desktops) we can do too. -- Google now has a broad range of products positioned against Apple's lineup. And Microsoft's, as well. Trends: 
STANFORD 03/11/10 Mw1UqU etlaarwowked, [url=http://bezhfxsjxuuk.com/]bezhfxsjxuuk[/url], [link=http://bfwbfxvwmtrk.com/]bfwbfxvwmtrk[/link], http://wxbfxjengxek.com/ -- Mw1UqU etlaarwowked, [url=http://bezhfxsjxuuk.com/]bezhfxsjxuuk[/url], [link=http://bfwbfxvwmtrk.com/]bfwbfxvwmtrk[/link], http://wxbfxjengxek.com/ Trends: 
THEREGISTERUK 03/11/10 The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. -- The first rule of the Apple Club is: we own you. Don't forget it. Trends: 
HUFFINGTON 03/11/10 I was cruisin' in my Stingray late one night When an XKE pulled up on the right And rolled down the window of his shiny new Jag And challenged me then and there to a drag I said, you're on, buddy, my mill's runnin' fine Let's come off the line, now, at Sunset and Vine But I'll go you one better if you've got the nerve Let's race all the way To Dead Man's Curve -- Walk, don't run, say Jan and Dean. Trends: 
AP 03/09/10 Nick Ascheim picked to GM AP Digital, and its new AP Gateway service. -- Trends: 
GUARDIAN_UK 03/09/10 Maurice Levy says content has a lot of value and it has to be valued reasonably. -- Trends: 
BUSINESSWEEK 03/09/10 Mathew Ingrham cites a lack of respect for the culture of the Web in the downfall of the accidenal-plagerizing blogger. -- Trends: 
GOOGLE 03/09/10 Well, DUH! We sold advertising, not news! . -- Charging for news would make it un-Holy! Charging for sports is one thing, but how much for the Editorial Page? Oh, that low, huh? Trends: 
ATLANTIC 03/09/10 They go by so fast, those Internet Users! -- And they're not from around here -- strangers and the like. And chintzy, too! Trends: 
EMEDIAVITALS 03/09/10 Answers. Lots and lots of answers. -- And you say a computer is asking the questions? And his name is Deep Thought? Trends: 
NEWSOSAUR 03/09/10 Shrinking newspapers can't shrink their physical plants, presses, inserting systems, truck fleets, building size or energy budgets as fast as ad revenue is falling. -- Sooner or later, the lines cross. Trends: 
MEDIAGAZER 03/09/10 All media. All the time. -- Trends: 
RUDERFINN 03/08/10 Authors measure online activity by the categorical intent of the user. -- Learn, Have Fun, Socialize, Express Yourself, Advocate, Do Business, Shop. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Services become Games
CNET 03/08/10 -- Optimizing media convergence is a top priority. New models emerge to take advantage of smartphones. More cross-media ad campaigns surface. Commercialization of social networking hubs increase. More interesting and interactive online ads appear. Trends: 
LIEBERT 03/08/10 The salient features of online behavior are conceptualized as sociability (human connection motives), utility (efficiency orientation), and reciprocity (cognitive stimulation and active involvement) -- These are the attributes of paying attention. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Solo to Swarm,New Value Moment,Mass Media to Atomized
PEW 03/08/10 Men are more intense, but women are better communicators. -- Hmmmm. That sounds strangely familiar, sort of like, well, real life. Trends: 
SHESPEEAKS.COM 03/08/10 Women are from MySpace. Men are not mentioned. -- A comprehensive look at online behavior and characteristics of women in social media. Trends: 
NIELSEN 03/08/10 Short Tails, Social Media, Mobile Internet, display Advertising, and Other Matters -- It's not about technology and wanting to be online constantly. Its about wanting to belong and be connected constantly. (Johan Jervoe, Corporate VP, Global Marketing, McDonalds Corp. at iMediaConnection, 10/16/08. Trends: 
ALLACADEMICS 03/08/10 zcpELp irjomybjnthd, [url=http://mlsaskauofma.com/]mlsaskauofma[/url], [link=http://vrhhjjxlhwuo.com/]vrhhjjxlhwuo[/link], http://roazzpnymzcn.com/ -- zcpELp irjomybjnthd, [url=http://mlsaskauofma.com/]mlsaskauofma[/url], [link=http://vrhhjjxlhwuo.com/]vrhhjjxlhwuo[/link], http://roazzpnymzcn.com/ Trends: 
UTICAOD.COM 03/07/10 Newspapers continue to fell very self-important. -- Another strongly-worded editorial should keep the tide from coming in. Trends: 
NYT 03/07/10 When Art Imitates Reality Imitating News. -- Isn't Fox News enough? Does everybody have to pretend that advertising is journalism, and that journalism is a revenue opportunity? Trends: 
MAILONLINE 03/07/10 Boom stimulated by government's Clean Energy Cash Back program. -- The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire -- obviously a good place for solar panels. Trends: 
CNET 03/06/10 vYP3zd nbzhybfubdew, [url=http://gmzrvjprfgbo.com/]gmzrvjprfgbo[/url], [link=http://nfmldfucjedn.com/]nfmldfucjedn[/link], http://oihyhtahbdbw.com/ -- vYP3zd nbzhybfubdew, [url=http://gmzrvjprfgbo.com/]gmzrvjprfgbo[/url], [link=http://nfmldfucjedn.com/]nfmldfucjedn[/link], http://oihyhtahbdbw.com/ Trends: 
NEWSOSAUR 03/06/10 Steal The Whole Story, Go To Hell. -- Steal just the first paragraph, Go To Heck. Steal just the headline, go to Nebraska. Steal just the punctuation, go the the Wall Street Journal. Trends: 
INFOWORLD 03/05/10 Peter Wayner's look at the ease of utilizing Android's open programming environment. -- Is that a Unix Box in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me? Trends: 
PEW 03/01/10 78% get TV news. 61% get some news online. 50% read a paper. -- Meanwhile, 40% of American homes do not have broadband. That, my friends, may be what is left of the newspaper market. Meanwhile, local news is somewhat of an internet void. Trends: 
EWEEK 03/01/10 The IPad's success is tied to the content farm behind it. -- AP's Gateway will provide a business news service, and Conde Naste may lead with either Modern Bride, or Wired. Trends:  Desktop to Mobile, Nameplate to Service Bureau
AP 03/01/10 One day the news shattered... -- ... like a fragile mirror, into a million tiny pieces, each reflecting its tiny piece of the sky as a piercing glint. Trends: 
WSJ 02/25/10 One-stop subscription for aggregated newspaper content. -- Buggy-whip cartel demands parity. Trends: 
MEDIAINSTITUTE 02/23/10 Can journalism flourish in an environment founded on net neutrality, increased funding for public media, and an expanded role (and tax breaks) for nonprofit organizations? -- Even more to the point, will the Tea Party be happy with the Government Takeover of Journalism? Trends: 
POYNTER 02/23/10 Steve Outing's remarkable analysis of Citizen Journalism. -- Must reading. Trends:  Audience to Participants, Known Source to Crowdsource, Local to Granfalloon
BUSINESSINSIDER 02/23/10 Zoning laws may have to be enacted to regulate uncontrolled growth of hyper-local websites at every intersection on the Information Superhighway. -- Back in the old days we dreamed about the "Wired Nation," and wound up with Comcast and Cox. Then we dreamed about the "Information Superhighway," and wound up with porno and spam. Now we're anticipating "Hyperlocal Websites." Too many hyperlocal websites will turn into nothing more than background noise, and another great metaphor will head to the semantic scrapyard. Trends:  General to Local, Nameplate to Service Bureau, Small Town Survivors
LATimes 02/22/10 No worries! -- A newer, more popular form of technology will arise to overtake the Internet in the semi-near future. Just wait. You'll see! Trends: 
ONLINEMEDIADAILY 02/22/10 The advertising industry has become much too nice, and companies need to stop being afraid to interrupt the consumers with ads. -- Because it is profitable to be rude. Trends:  Free to Paid, Print to Electronic
BROADBANDBREAKFAST 02/22/10 Leonard Grace is a former Cable TV exec, and he's got advice for newspapers. -- You guys should charge more. But don't do it like cable did, with all those golf channels. Trends:  Creation to Aggregation
NIELSON 02/22/10 Why should we pay online when we get it for free in the uh, um, hmmm. -- Experienced pollsters know that certain questions will always get a negative response, and a headline. "Do you want higher taxes?" "Should I hit you with a hammer?" "Are you a racist?" Trends:  Free to Paid, Nameplate to Disembodied
AP/TVNEWSCHECK 02/17/10 Don't pin your online hopes on 100% penetration. -- The great rush online stalls at the edge of prosperity. Ironic, while trying to bring broadband to every neighborhood, that there remains a vast proportion of the population that doesn't want, or can't afford, to play. Trends: 
CNET 02/16/10 Newspapers not wild about sharing subscripition revenue with the Goa'uld. -- But they can make their eyes glow. Trends: 
WSJ 02/13/10 Edifice Complex, thy nameplate doth banner. -- Wymay correctly observes that newspapers have egos, which carries through in the look-through-the-funnel approach most news websites take. Newspapers best hope in the future is to become the reader's agent. The Big Building Downtown will become more irrelevant the harder they try to build edifice. Trends: 
DANIWEB 02/09/10 Spam is spam? What a surprise. -- In the words of Truman Capote, that's not writing, that's typing. Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 02/09/10 RKtoB7 cubemukeumnh, [url=http://gnkmdlfbiyub.com/]gnkmdlfbiyub[/url], [link=http://wkvapuhxosfq.com/]wkvapuhxosfq[/link], http://csqjocvhtqvk.com/ -- RKtoB7 cubemukeumnh, [url=http://gnkmdlfbiyub.com/]gnkmdlfbiyub[/url], [link=http://wkvapuhxosfq.com/]wkvapuhxosfq[/link], http://csqjocvhtqvk.com/ Trends: 
PAIDCONTENT.ORG 02/09/10 When will newspapers jump on the Huffington Post product model? -- Here's another one with a less charming title: PaidContent.org Trends: 
FORDHAM 02/09/10 If American democracy is to survive, it will need a vibrant free press that is subsidized by the government. -- This is going to be real popular with the Tea Party crowd. Trends: 
PAIDCONTENT.ORG 02/09/10 This is the newspaper-killer website model. -- While journalists fret over their bylines, hyperlocal sites take over the customer-advertiser relationships. Trends: 
DAILYJOURNAL 02/09/10 Why hasn't FedEx or UPS made a move into this market? -- Both companyies' trucks make my dogs bark every day, sometimes twice. Trends: 
NEWS&TECH 02/09/10 Of course they are. And they will show up to the meeting with Apple carrying iPhones and listening to iPods and reciting their iMantras in unison. -- It's hard for sheep to be newspapers. Trends: 
NYT 02/08/10 Are you thinking what I'm thinking? No wonder your story sounds so familiar. -- Echoes of what people want to know come from the most popular search questions submitted to Google, Yahoo and others. Trends: 
PRNEWSWIRE 02/08/10 THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR DAUGHTERS. -- Newspapers are still rolling the presses and building rectangles, while the Visigoths plunder the neighborhoods and social networks. carrying off the crops, women, children and, oh yes, the news. Trends: 
NEWS&TECH 02/08/10 Traffic to newspaper Web sites accounted for 37 percent of all Internet traffic in Q4 -- And yet, it's declining. Can press runs drive traffic to web sites? Remains to be seen, as most newspapers with websites lift barely a finger to service cyberspace in the printed page. Trends: 
NYT 02/07/10 What if there was, like, this fight, you know? -- Where two people were really, you know, fighting, and, like, they were both wrong? You know. Trends: 
GUARDIAN 02/06/10 So there is no agreement among publishers, never mind the public, as to whether journalism has a direct value in any form. -- Alan Rusbridger'S speech, given at the London College of Communication's annual Hugh Cudlipp Lecture. Rusbridger is editor of the Guardian. Trends: 
SALTLAKETRIBUNE 02/06/10 MediaNews experiments with the small papers. -- Like white mice, Rhesus monkeys or grad students. Trends: 
PCMagazine 02/03/10 Well, duh! If mom does it, then we are so outta here. -- The Pew Research Center study, Social Media & Mobile Internet Use Among Teens and Young Adults, shows teen blogs declining, but social media participation climbing. Put that on your Facebook page. Trends: 
NYT 02/02/10 Meanwhile, Yahoo has a deal with AP. But first.... -- Every newspaper inventing their own charging systems? Probably appropriate, for now, since very few actually know what they are doing. The 1,000 Monkey theory suggests that if enough papers try it Their Way, one of them will probably get it right, eventually. Trends: 
NYT 02/02/10 MacFan Journalist Swoons For Godjobs MaxiPad. -- OK, over the top, but you gotta admit that this johnny-journalist-jump- through-the-media -event-hoop thingy borders on Beatlemania. The lack of dignity is quite sad. Trends: 
ADVERTISINGAGE 02/01/10 We are here to help newspapers, Google sez. Cling to your nameplate, or gadgetize news delivery? You decide. -- Digital distribution will be a boon to newspaper publishers if they can also radically redefine their product and means of reaching consumers. Trends: 
ANNENBERG 01/28/10 How many newspapers surviving on foreclosure notices alone? -- Dig deeper in this wonderful report from the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism and the U. of Southern California Trends: 
MAYABARATZ 01/26/10 Overthrow the Metaphor. -- Newspaper people can't shed their metaphor blindness unless they step away from the NamePlate Disease (uh, "The New York Times" is not news. The news is the news, the "New York Times" is just the wheelbarrow.) Trends: 
INDEPENDENT_UK 01/23/10 They never got the bagpipe joke, either. -- If we all start blogs, maybe something will bubble up? Trends: 
BANP 01/22/10 NYT build series of regional news shops, editions. -- The New York Times reports that Our aim is to roll out expanded local reports in several key markets around the country, working with local journalists and news organizations in a collaborative way, according to Scott Heekin-Canedy, president and general manager of The Times. Trends: 
IBTIMES 01/21/10 Newspaper home pages take forever to load. -- The anti-cookie: click on a Google News link, and then wait for some newspaper's EgoPage to open. By the time a reader clicks on a link, he/she/it has already decided to read the story, but has to wait for the slow page load, the obligatory ad (click here to skip this ad), and, almost always, the one ad that takes forever to load, holding the whole page. This experience subtly trains readers to avoid newspaper links. Eat the crumbs, but avoid the stale cookie. Trends: 
INFORMATIONWEEK 01/21/10 The Meter is Running! -- The Times is gearing up to vend smaller bites to smartphones, and allowing users to have a hand in setting their own rates. Trends: 
TFTS 12/29/09 wCbPf5 xuijtidhjuui, [url=http://sbstfcmrzmdy.com/]sbstfcmrzmdy[/url], [link=http://ogtpgvlhbdfh.com/]ogtpgvlhbdfh[/link], http://njtqwqwgdsgj.com/ -- wCbPf5 xuijtidhjuui, [url=http://sbstfcmrzmdy.com/]sbstfcmrzmdy[/url], [link=http://ogtpgvlhbdfh.com/]ogtpgvlhbdfh[/link], http://njtqwqwgdsgj.com/ Trends: 
SANDIALABS 12/29/09 Homes to get sparkley and sparky with high-tech fashion statement. -- Aren't Christmas lights enough? Now the neighbors place will be lit-up year-round. Trends: 
CHANGEMEDIA 12/22/09 Frymaster wrote that there is a direct connection between Google's user-centric, community-oriented approach and their financial success. -- Duh. Google *is* the new newspaper, and you'd better hop on board. The search-based lifestyle continues to expand on the Web, yet newspapers and magazine still believe that readers want the filtered view. It's time to throw a saddle on Google, and ride that pony hard. I'd build my own newspaper, if I had he right tool. I'd be willing to use yours, if you'll just invent it. Need some suggestions? Trends: 
BBC 12/18/09 Fx01g5 hqzuttzkqlbw, [url=http://rxgwjrteekri.com/]rxgwjrteekri[/url], [link=http://wyvcmjcoyfka.com/]wyvcmjcoyfka[/link], http://oynyqxxfxlkz.com/ -- Fx01g5 hqzuttzkqlbw, [url=http://rxgwjrteekri.com/]rxgwjrteekri[/url], [link=http://wyvcmjcoyfka.com/]wyvcmjcoyfka[/link], http://oynyqxxfxlkz.com/ Trends: 
WSJ 12/15/09 Who helps cows more -- the cowboy, or the packing plant? [Cue evil Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha laugh here.] -- Both the drover and the butcher work the same production line. Google threatens newspapers the same way that butchers threaten the Beef Industry (not a synonym for ranchers.) Trends: 
NYT 12/15/09 Who helps cows more -- the cowboy, or the packing plant? (Cue evil Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha laugh here.) -- Both the drover and the butcher work the same production line. Google threatens newspapers the same way that butchers threaten the Beef Industry (not a synonym for ranchers.) Trends: 
NYT 12/10/09 Someday, all American homes will have an electric motor to power a variety of domestic devices. -- Packaged right, magazine content is perfect for the Apple ITunes Vend-O-Matic machine, as well as the various commercial sites, like Amazon and Borders. But Time Inc. wants to build a magazine Portal. Which raises the question about their perspective. Is having the most famous newsrack a higher priority than making advertising work for the advertiser? Truth is, the advertising belongs to the story, not the publication. The story that everyone reads -- regardless of the "title" it's in -- is the wagon that carries the freight. Or would you see a future when we are freed from physical devices, and our environments -- homes, cars, offices -- provide us with all the interface, display, connectivity and bandwidth we need? Show me the Miracle in the End Zone, and I'll even sit still for a Personal Hygiene product ad. Trends: 
AP 12/10/09 So fleet the works of man. -- Back to the earth again. Ancient and holy things Fade like a dream. (Charles Kingsley, Old and New, 1902) Trends: 
NYT 12/08/09 Journalism IPhone Candy Store. -- In the anquish of childhood, supreme torture is stnading in front of the Candy Counter with a dollar in your pocket. Chocolate bar? Candy corns? Jaw-breakers? A newspaper candy store might have all the stories from all the papers, but in a pay-as-you-go model, the dollar runs out long before the appetite is satisfied. Trends: 
REUTERS 12/08/09 Where's Roger Fidler when we need him? -- Knight-Rider's Information Design Lab built a "Tablet Newspaper" mock-up in 1993, on the theory that newspaper readers were wedded to the vertical-page newspaper metaphor. But metaphors can be slippery when consumer behavior is changing. Trends: 
LATIMES 12/08/09 Publishing Against the Grain. -- Dailies are suffering, weeklies gasping for breath, monthlies laying off staff -- what's next? A single-issue newspaper, 300 pages, $16. Trends: 
GOOGLE 12/08/09 Google Licks the Hand it Bites. -- Your dog bites you, then wags his tail and puts his head in your lap. "Aww, good puppy." Then he bites you again. Trends: 
FINANCIALTIMES 12/08/09 Search engines can 1.) help your advertisers, or 2.) just piss you off. Time to choose. -- How can newspapers turn Google to a profit? If Google-delivered hits benefited your advertisers, you would be less quick to complain about all those clicks coming in that you're not paying for. Trends: 
ECONOMICTIMES 12/08/09 Newspaper sales highest high-wired Japan. -- You can compete with handlelds, but not by staying with past practices. Rethink what consumers want by WATCHING what they do, rather than what they say. Trends: 
EDITOR&PUBLISHER 12/08/09 It's about profit, not circulation. -- Keep just one subscriber, but charge $1.2 millon per copy. Or two subscribers at $650k. Or three.... Trends: 
GUARDIAN_UK 12/08/09 Duh. -- Local news has always been the strength of newspapers, until they fell for the sports and celebrity ruse. Get back to basics, start serving the communications needs of your local citizens. Trends: 
EDITORSBLOG 12/08/09 We report, you decide. -- Is it news, or just gossip? Now, we report, you figure it out for yourself. Good luck with that. Trends:  Known Source to Crowdsource, Nameplate to Disembodied
PRNEWSWIRE 12/08/09 Serve the advertiser. -- These guys are trying to make it easier for local advertisers to succeed. Smart, ambitious, and years late. Trends: 
WASHPOST 12/03/09 Doing God's Work. -- I asked the Washington Post's Editor in the spring of '84 what it was like to work for God. "Normal," he said. "All newspaper publishers think they're God." Trends: 
WICKEDLOCAL 11/29/09 What good are readers that don't pay? -- Haven't advertisers always asked this question? Are online readers more valuable than "pass along" readers? Trends: 
NYT 11/29/09 An Online Newstand is like an Illustrated List. -- It fits neatly within the thought that the newspaper metaphor is being replaced by the browser/search engine metaphor. Google *is* a place that serves as Home Page for lots of people who can read. Trends: 
BLOOMBERG 11/28/09 Prisoner's Dilemna? -- What if they had a mass suicide but not everybody showed up? A group boycott of Google searches creates the perfect Prisoner's Dilemna trap for newspapers and other content creators. Would traffic lost by the boycotters wind up with those left standing? Or can group action yield greater power? When was the last time newspaper publishers actually cooperated with each other? Trends: 
FT 11/24/09 Can Microsoft pay you enough for you to block Google searching your site? -- Short answer: "Yes." Do you have any idea how much cash Microsoft has under the mattress? Or how big their mattress really is? Trends: 
AP 11/22/09 A subscriber without a printed copy? -- That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. To deposit a subscriber's check without rotating the press wouldst seem a petty grievance, perchance or not. Trends: 
MODESTOBEE 11/22/09 171 Million adults still reading papers/sites. -- Readers remain, but revenue is stressed. Turning online readers into revenue *beyond subscriptions* is the real challange. Finding ways to get involved with readers' spending habits is still the key. Trends: 
NYT 11/16/09 Three bucks a month? -- That's less than a cable channel, a pack of cigarettes, a six pack of cheap American beer, a gallon of gas, or a subscription to a daily newspaper. Huh? What? Trends: 
NYT 11/16/09 Piano Cat Raises Rates. -- Yes, a video on every page. And music! And rotating ads! And little games and puzzles! And an interactive horoscope! And a picture of Shawna and JLow! And a Michael Jackson story! And maybe, if there's room, a little actual news. Trends: 
AP 11/16/09 It's not a charity. -- It's a vital service. Would you like to be charged for each ambulance ride? OK, bad example. Trends: 
AP 11/16/09 Home. Delivery. Daily. That's news! -- Establlished newspapers are shedding plant and facilities at record rates. The Sterns are just not going to buy any of that stuff to start with. Trends: 
AP 11/16/09 "Picky, picky, picky." (Pat Paulson) -- You run a front-page story based on a letter written by your lawyers? Make sure you spell their names right. Trends: 
HUFFINGTON 11/16/09 In the factory we make cosmetics; in the drugstore we sell hope. (Charles Revlon) -- If it waddles like a magazine, and quacks like a magazine, then there must be some lipstick involved. Can a newspaper morph itself into a magazine? In a word: yes. Just watch. The Chronicle is making a very brave move. Kaplah!! Trends: 
NYT 11/10/09 First we kill the lawyers. -- Then we abolish the 'grid', banish the stylebook, dismember the beats, round up a committee of alleged 'readers' and have them design the new paper using gold stars, construction paper and white glue. Trends: 
NYT 11/10/09 This isn't your father's newspaper. -- "....a mix of donations, sponsorships, premium content and revenue from conferences to come up with a sustainable model for journalism that neither depends on nor requires a print product." Then we kill all the publishers. Trends: 
NYT 11/10/09 This isn't your father's newspaper. -- '....a mix of donations, sponsorships, premium content and revenue from conferences to come up with a sustainable model for journalism that neither depends on nor requires a print product." Then we kill all the publishers.' Trends: 
NYT 11/10/09 Not your father's newspaper. -- A mix of donations, sponsorships, premium content and revenue from conferences to come up with a sustainable model for journalism that neither depends on nor requires a print product. Then we kill all the publishers. Trends: 
OJR 11/07/09 -- Trends: 
COLO_INDEPENDENT 11/03/09 The price of chocolate has been reduced to an all-time high. -- The Denver Post used to be affiliated with a circus, and had a stuffed elephant in a glass case, and used to give away gasoline to classified customers. And, oh, yes, fewer subscribers means more readers, right? Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 11/02/09 Multi-channel news? -- TWP is in the chips because they did what other papers should have done in the 80s and 90s -- diversified into other media. Don't look back, keep looking forward. Trends: 
COURIER-EXPRESS 11/02/09 The big papers are in trouble. -- The little papers may weather the storm, because they are close to their readers. Local news in small towns is not an internet phenomenon. Twitter may be hot in Cleveland, but relatively pointless in Alamosa. Trends: 
EDITOR_PUBLISHER 10/26/09 Follow the Money. -- The NYT showed more revenue from subs than from ads last quarter, a far cry from the 80% adv 20% subs world we grew up in. The biggest newspapers will continue to shrink, until they reach a sustainable level, that will be based more on subscriber revenue than advertising! Look for new kinds of revenue, including government-supported subscription subsidies or public fundraising drives. Trends: 
NYT 10/24/09 The big news is that the Gray Lady is still losing money (27% revenue drop in the July-September period). -- But NYT cost-cutting, and the sale of some assets (like their radio station) have brought the company's financials back to the point where the Boston Globe may no longer be for sale. Price increases on its daily national edition of 50 cents, to $2, helped bolster revenue. NYT reports that subscriptions are down slightly. Trends: 
NYT 10/23/09 -- 'We do expect that our overall traffic is going to decrease, because well have far fewer out-of-area visitors accessing the site, but what were really focused on is our local audience', said Debby Krenek, Newsdays managing editor and senior vice president for digital media. 'Were going to be much more locally focused.' Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 10/23/09 -- Kids do the darndest things. Kids and U.S. House Members. Trends:  Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Audience to Participants
NYT 10/23/09 -- You have *how* many editors and reporters? Part VII. Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 10/23/09 Now shipping from the Cat-Rat Ranch! -- It's like doing a news story about a comic strip about a soldier in combat in Afghanistan, who is actually a character in a book written by a soldier in Afghanistan, who himself was portrayed in a book about a soldier in combat in Afghanistan writing a book. Trends: 
NYT 10/19/09 The Media Equation - What Would It Take to Support a Newsroom? - NYTimes.com -- Trends: 
TWP 10/19/09 -- Trends: 
NYT 10/14/09 -- Content providers are being snapped up by the big fish. Choke off the content supply, and the remaining channels increase in value. At least, that's the theory. Let's hope they don't accidentally extinguish the pilot light. Trends: 
NYT 10/12/09 Wanted for the Denver Newspaper Westword - A Marijuana Critic - NYTimes.com -- Trends: 
NEWSWEEK 10/11/09 -- Does he really want Google to ignore him? This could be the beginning of a very interesting Business Model. Trends: 
NETWORKWORLD 10/10/09 -- Welcome to ApWorld. The Newspaper of the Future will be a place were readers DO things, instead of just read. Trends:  Government-centric vs. Culturally deterministic
BUSINESSINSIDER 10/10/09 -- I thought we were 'sposed to vanquish the aggregators? The Evolution of the News Business Model proceeds apace at LMK.com. Trends: 
CONDENASTE 10/10/09 -- Yahoo has a dating site. Alternative weeklies have dating sites. MSN has a dating site. AOL has a dating site. Newspapers used to have classifieds. Trends:  Print to Electronic to ?
John Temple 10/03/09 -- Quote: "We perceived the Web site as a newspaper online, as a complement to the paper, not as its own thing. That's not a strategy...." Trends: 
HUFFINGTONPOST 10/03/09 -- You have HOW many reporters and editors? Trends: 
SLASHDOT 10/01/09 Slashdot Developers Story | Initial Reviews of Google Wave; Neat, But Noisy -- Trends: 
SLASHDOT 10/01/09 Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | Americans Don't Want Targeted Ads -- Trends: 
NIEMAN 09/21/09 -- You wanna see Social Media interacting withJournalism? We can talk about that. It's a conversation you can watch yourself participating in. I know, awkward sentence. But you'll see. Take short notes. You'll be needing this later. Trends: 
NYT 09/21/09 -- You have HOW many reporters and editors? As the number of newspapers declines, AP declines. Time to open the content nets even wider. You will see AP continue to expand its, ah, 'menu'. Trends: 
NYT 09/20/09 -- Yes. The Web hasn't stopped changing, kids haven't stopped adopting technology earlier and faster than geezers, and the disembodiment of everything continues iin spite of the economy. Advertisers -- local advertisers -- become more integrated with the electronic world every day. Trends: 
NYT 09/20/09 -- Should be find a better way of doing it the old way, or a better way of doing it the new way? How many ways are there to do a page filled with icons? Imagine a really big icon, that fills the whole screen! And imagine that you click on it and it takes you to ... Another Web Page That Fills The Whole Screen! Amazing! Simple in concept, the kicker here is that a really quick serving and rendering scheme enables full magazine pages to pop up quite quickly (yes, and a reliable broadband connection makes it hum along nicely). Why, you could do newspapers or magazines with it, if only you could resist the temptation to redirect the user to your own web site? Trends: 
TWP 09/18/09 -- The Death of Twitter? "A team of researchers from the University of Maryland plodded through more than 6,000 Twitter postings" ... to discover ... "politicians spend most of their time on Twitter promoting themselves." Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Mass Media to Atomized
JOURNALISMONLINE 09/18/09 -- The push to monetize news continues. Getting every member of an entire industry to all raise price barriers at about the same is like.... is like... (Metaphors fail me here. Herding cats? Reforming Health Care? Saving Afghanistan While Stopping Opium? Convincing Harley-Davidson owners to muffle their bikes?) ... finding a good metaphor. Trends: 
NYT 09/11/09 -- The first newspapers web sites began appearing in 1993. Suddenly, 16 years later, every newspapers is trying to invent their own little online cash-registers. Expect two things: 1.) It will be offered as a service to publishers by entrepreneurs, 2.) It will be a custom installation problem everywhere, and 3.) the plugs won't fit. OK, it was three things. And I meant "Plug-ins." Trends: 
NYT 09/09/09 -- Google would just LOVE to handle those little transactions for publishers. They also have a few suggestions to make. Trends: 
NYT 09/05/09 -- Trends: 
NEWSWEEK 09/04/09 -- Kill the aggregators, the parasites! Except Associated Press, of course. And Reader's Digest. We like them. But don't cripple our search results standings! And we like those GoogleAds dollars. Keep that up. Trends: 
NEWSWEEK 09/02/09 -- The other trick is to have a really, really terrible web site, and convince people that the print edition isn't worth buying. The average Porn site only gets $6 a month, dude. Trends: 
TECHCRUNCH 08/30/09 -- Some things just HAVE to be true. You know it in your Soul. Teens twit more. And politicians tweet about themselves. Trends: 
MORGANSTANLEY 08/30/09 -- Trends: 
LATIMES 08/27/09 Setting the price of a free press -- latimes.com -- Trends: 
NYT 08/26/09 -- Trends: 
NYT 08/25/09 -- A good idea, and a sign of the times. You can make a good case for selling a print product about stationary, high-ticket items that sell slowly. Trends: 
SLASHDOT 08/23/09 Slashdot Mobile Story | Why AT&T Killed iPhone Google Voice -- "It is now clear why Nokia has been so slow with S60 updates: the upcoming N900 just left everything else in the dust. Unlike Google's Linux platform, Nokia is not intentionally breaking compatibility with real distros, choosing instead to bring you the unmatchable power of GNU/Linux on your phone. This is the most awesome device I have ever seen: MAP3 CPU/GPU, 3,5" 800x480 touchscreen, keyboard, Wi-Fi, HSPA, GPS; 5-MP camera, CZ lens, 32 GB storage, SD slot; X11, VT100 terminal emulator, APT package manager. Estimated price without credit: $780 (N.5800: $390, iPhone 3GS: $750). Developers should note that even though the current desktop is still GTK+, Qt will be standard across all Nokia Trends: 
SLASHDOT 08/23/09 Slashdot Linux Story | Nokia Leaks Phone With Full GNU/Linux Distribution -- "It is now clear why Nokia has been so slow with S60 updates: the upcoming N900 just left everything else in the dust. Unlike Google's Linux platform, Nokia is not intentionally breaking compatibility with real distros, choosing instead to bring you the unmatchable power of GNU/Linux on your phone. This is the most awesome device I have ever seen: MAP3 CPU/GPU, 3,5 800x480 touchscreen, keyboard, Wi-Fi, HSPA, GPS; 5-MP camera, CZ lens, 32 GB storage, SD slot; X11, VT100 terminal emulator, APT package manager. Estimated price without credit: $780 (N.5800: $390, iPhone 3GS: $750). Developers should note that even though the current desktop is still GTK+, Qt will be standard across all Nokia Trends: 
boomj.com 08/23/09 BOOMj.com - The #1 Destination for Baby Boomers and Generation Jones -- Trends: 
AARP 08/23/09 -- Trends: 
co-opliving.com 08/23/09 Cooperative Living -- Trends: 
boomermediareview.com/ 08/23/09 -- Trends: 
ic.org 08/23/09 Community Buzz - Ecovillages, Cohousing, Co-ops, Communes, and other Intentional Communities in the News -- Trends: 
csx 08/23/09 -- Trends: 
GOOGLEANSWERS 08/23/09 Google Answers: How to understand and market to Baby Boomers -- Trends: 
SEUK 08/23/09 -- Trends: 
WBE 08/23/09 West Bridgford Skill Exchange -- Trends: 
theistnexus 08/23/09 Atheist Nexus -- Trends: 
PEACOCK 08/23/09 - Peacock Poverty -- Trends: 
spoke 08/23/09 - Peacock Poverty -- Trends: 
LATIMES 08/22/09 -- Trends: 
NYT 08/20/09 -- OK, so not the best timing for a launch. But still, nice try, guys. Trends: 
NYT 08/17/09 -- Trends: 
NYT 08/17/09 The Media Equation - AOL Builds Content as Mainstream Media Falters - NYTimes.com -- Trends: 
SLASHDOT 08/17/09 -- The seeds of a great idea lie in this study. The best study would be to measure every electronic communication for tone, nouns, seditious content. Say, isn't that what Poindexter wanted to do? The compromise is personal liberty, privacy, invisibility, and truth. Trends:  News to Meta News, Content Aggregators Cloud The Truth
JOURNALISMONLINE 08/13/09 -- They can handle just about any kind of digital contenet. For now, they're wearing tweeds and talking the newspaper talk. But, really, anything digital? Pictures? Songs? Movies? Kindle files? Podcasts? Pizza delivery? Online local grocery shopping? The game is afoot! Trends: 
THEWRAP 08/11/09 -- If you are "born-again" on the Web, you can never truely die! Trends: 
NYT 08/10/09 Seattle Times Finds Resurgence as Solo Act - NYTimes.com -- Trends: 
BNET 08/09/09 -- There will be a lot of companies providing very specialized content in niche markets. This is very much like the old world of publishing, which featured many specialized info-providing companies in finance, business, education, medicine, etc. What's new is that the scale of these operations can be both larger, and smaller. Trends: 
GUARDIAN 08/07/09 -- Not unlike the archive systems set up at many daily papers in the last few years, except the FT should charge the most for CURRENT news, less for archive access. Trends: 
REUTERS/AHERN 08/07/09 -- Trends: 
GUARDIAN 08/07/09 -- "A wise man can hear profit in the wind." Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #22. Trends: 
BOINGBOING 08/03/09 -- Do they still sell "Kissing Licenses" in Junior High Schools? (Do they still have "Junior Highs"?) Trends: 
MEDIAINCANADA 07/31/09 -- Trends: 
WIRED 07/28/09 -- Trends: 
DAGGLE 07/28/09 -- Read all about it on our Copyrighted Web site. Trends: 
ADAGE 07/28/09 Online Media: Why Time Spent on Internet Is Leveling Off - Advertising Age - Digital -- Trends: 
NYT 07/27/09 -- Is NPR here to serve public radio, or IS NPR "Public Radio?" Trends: 
NYT 07/27/09 -- Oh, Ted Nelson, where are you now? "Micropayment" was the heart and soul of Nelson's "Thinking Machines", a vision of an electronic world where you could follow links back to their origination, instead of their destination like the World Wide Web. Giving authors ownership over their every syllable, as I recall. In 1978 Nelson had "a significant impact upon IBM's thinking when he outlined his vision of the potential of personal computing to the team that three years later launched the IBM PC" (Wikipedia). Now building and promoting ZigZag, an information structure metaphor (zzstructure), that "is a multidimensional extension of a spreadsheet whose cells can contain various kinds of data." (Wikipedia). Trends:  Nameplate to Disembodied, Mass Media to Atomized
NYT 07/27/09 -- Trends: 
SEEKINGALPHA 07/27/09 The Death of Snail Mail and Sunday Papers -- Seeking Alpha -- Trends: 
SEEKINGSLPHA 07/27/09 How (and Why) to Replace the A.P. -- Seeking Alpha -- Trends: 
NYT 07/27/09 -- OK, so that's not new. AP busted us in 1981 for using photos from the same roll of film that a photo they bought came from. But going after rogue electrons is a lot tougher. Trends: 
BLOOMBERG 07/24/09 -- Yet, it's free. But you would expect him to say that, now, wouldn't you? Either the news is worth money, or it isn't. And if it is worth money, think twice before giving it away. And if it isn't worth money, well, then, Bucko, it's a different game altogether. Trends: 
GIGAOM 07/20/09 13 Battery Startups Hitting the Road With Lithium-Ion - NYTimes.com -- Trends: 
TECHDIRT 07/20/09 -- Hey, newspaper guys. You aren't either. You're not selling news -- yet. You're giving it away, remember? You must have the courage to close the tap before all the water runs out. Trends: 
MASHABLE 07/18/09 Is Crowdfunding the Future of Journalism? -- Trends: 
KAIST 07/18/09 Inhabitat » OLED Breakthrough Yields 75% More Efficient Lights -- Trends: 
NYT 07/16/09 Study Measures the Chatter of the News Cycle - NYTimes.com -- Trends: 
BNONEWS 07/14/09 Breaking News Online: How One 19-Year Old Is Shaking Up Online Media -- Trends: 
BNONEWS 07/14/09 Breaking News Online: How One 19-Year Old Is Shaking Up Online Media -- Trends: 
ENERGYBOOM 07/14/09 Back to the Future: Forget the Flux Capacitor--It's The Ultracapacitor | Robert Gluck -- Trends: 
MEDIAMEMO 07/14/09 -- Bold Prediction: 1.) Twitter will morph into something else by the time the money arrives. 2.) The difference between Twitter and Spam is that you invite Twitter on purpose. 3.) Overheard on a bus: nothing important. Trends: 
AP 07/12/09 AP proposes new online article formatting | detnews.com | The Detroit News -- Trends: 
MEDIASTANDARDSTRUST 07/12/09 -- There has to be a way for browsers to check for "permission" to read a story on a newspaper site. The story itself can contain the missing components that would make a browser plug-in happy enough to display the page. Not a new idea, guys. Trends: 
NYT 07/10/09 -- "We are so helpless. They come into our web sites and just steal everything! With their leather jackets and their dirty motorcycles, we are afraid for our very lives! Oh, please help, Wise and Magnificent EU!" Trends: 
HUFFINGTON 07/10/09 USA Today To Introduce Paid Digital Edition To Be Delivered By E-Mail -- Trends:  Paid to Free to Paid to Free, Mass Media to Atomized
HUFFINGTON 07/10/09 USA Today To Introduce Paid Digital Edition To Be Delivered By E-Mail -- Trends:  Distribution Reforms Around the Net
WSJBlog 07/10/09 Come Together! On Newspapers Big Antitrust Hurdle - Law Blog - WSJ -- Trends: 
HUFFINGTON 07/10/09 -- Classic supply-and-demand equation at work, apparently. Another example: a copy of the Rocky Mountain News is now going for $7 on eBay. Trends: 
HUFFINGTON 07/10/09 -- Trends: 
HUFFINGTON 07/10/09 -- Trends: 
INHABITAT 07/09/09 j0onCX fjalwwbgzoqn, [url=http://cgsittziawgk.com/]cgsittziawgk[/url], [link=http://jtcychjydjek.com/]jtcychjydjek[/link], http://wzakwjtaxfak.com/ -- j0onCX fjalwwbgzoqn, [url=http://cgsittziawgk.com/]cgsittziawgk[/url], [link=http://jtcychjydjek.com/]jtcychjydjek[/link], http://wzakwjtaxfak.com/ Trends: 
TECHCRUNCH 07/07/09 Goodbye, Printed Blog -- Trends: 
SAVETHENEWS 07/07/09 Save the News -- Trends: 
INDENVERTIMES 07/06/09 INDenverTimes -- Trends: 
BASEX 07/04/09 -- Trends: 
BASEX 07/04/09 -- Nostolgia. Melancholy. Memories. 70151,565 Trends: 
PROJECTWONDERFUL 07/03/09 Project Wonderful - advertise on Garfield Minus Garfield! -- Trends: 
NEWSPAPERPROJECT 07/01/09 Newspaperproject.org: Chris Anderson: Newspapers Need To Find The Pet For Their Penguin -- Trends: 
PCWORLD 06/30/09 -- Reading this book is like re-experiencing 1968 in a flashback. 1968, on the other hand, was nothing like the Web, but with better graphics. Trends: 
CPMCRI 06/28/09 Possibility of Marijuana and Breast Cancer Treatment | The Cancer & Marijuana blog -- Trends: 
CCRMG 06/28/09 eijAup ozorynyaatvc, [url=http://hceamzlxahaw.com/]hceamzlxahaw[/url], [link=http://nsqoayfnrfhe.com/]nsqoayfnrfhe[/link], http://kavpoqqxmfvt.com/ -- eijAup ozorynyaatvc, [url=http://hceamzlxahaw.com/]hceamzlxahaw[/url], [link=http://nsqoayfnrfhe.com/]nsqoayfnrfhe[/link], http://kavpoqqxmfvt.com/ Trends: 
SOLARBUZZ 06/28/09 Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Price Index -- Trends: 
DSIRE-NCSU 06/28/09 -- Trends: 
AZSOLARCENTER 06/28/09 Arizona Solar Center > Economics > PV Economic -- Trends: 
UCEI/BERKELEY 06/28/09 -- Trends: 
12/14/2007 06/28/09 Solar PV as a Distributed Resource -- Trends: 
ELSEVIER 06/28/09 Elsevier reveals top 25 alternative energy research institutions worldwide - Photovoltaics International -- Trends: 
ENERGYBOOM 06/28/09 h6tCAp cepnbtwfrqsf, [url=http://pccpmihggmpa.com/]pccpmihggmpa[/url], [link=http://ptnwfyxegiht.com/]ptnwfyxegiht[/link], http://fbnsjutmtwhh.com/ -- h6tCAp cepnbtwfrqsf, [url=http://pccpmihggmpa.com/]pccpmihggmpa[/url], [link=http://ptnwfyxegiht.com/]ptnwfyxegiht[/link], http://fbnsjutmtwhh.com/ Trends: 
NORWICHBLLTN 06/27/09 -- Whereas the Panda eats shoots and leaves. Trends: 
NORWICHBLLTN 06/27/09 Killingly man runs truck on wood, leaves - Norwich, CT - Norwich Bulletin -- Trends: 
BEF 06/27/09 Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas Home Page -- Trends: 
REVE/NEWS 06/27/09 Upgrading the Newspaper Revenue Model | ReveNews -- marketing, search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, security issues, contextual advertising, next gen marketing, micro content Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 06/27/09 Marijuana Damages DNA And May Cause Cancer, New Test Reveals -- Evaluation of the DNA Damaging Potential of Cannabis Cigarette Smoke by the Determination of Acetaldehyde Derived N2-Ethyl-22-deoxyguanosine Adducts. Study only measures potential for one component of smoke to damange DNA. No human or animal subjectst were tested, no damage documented, no patients examined. See original summary at Trends: 
JCI 06/27/09 Journal of Clinical Investigation -- Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects -- Promotes brain neuron growth Trends: 
BIO-MEDICINE 06/27/09 coa8Qu kqovsmgdnqvf, [url=http://ipjvswjeauyf.com/]ipjvswjeauyf[/url], [link=http://rqoklxzzjqcx.com/]rqoklxzzjqcx[/link], http://fzguwmcppnnb.com/ -- coa8Qu kqovsmgdnqvf, [url=http://ipjvswjeauyf.com/]ipjvswjeauyf[/url], [link=http://rqoklxzzjqcx.com/]rqoklxzzjqcx[/link], http://fzguwmcppnnb.com/ Trends: 
CANORML 06/27/09 CA NORML News -- Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 06/27/09 Long-term Marijuana Smoking Leads To Respiratory Complaints -- Trends: 
NIH/NIDA 06/27/09 Study finds marijuana ingredient promotes tumor growth, impairs anti-tumor defenses -- Contraditory to other studies.Consider the source. Trends: 
technologyreview 06/26/09 ptXTd6 aeuprjchboxj, [url=http://svjfbudfzwiw.com/]svjfbudfzwiw[/url], [link=http://homwrdgaajwq.com/]homwrdgaajwq[/link], http://ovhswhvsqwbe.com/ -- ptXTd6 aeuprjchboxj, [url=http://svjfbudfzwiw.com/]svjfbudfzwiw[/url], [link=http://homwrdgaajwq.com/]homwrdgaajwq[/link], http://ovhswhvsqwbe.com/ Trends: 
MIT 06/26/09 Re-engineered battery material could lead to rapid recharging of many devices - MIT News Office -- Beltway for electrical energy solves long-standing problem Trends: 
AZOM 06/26/09 New Battery Technology Clocks up 100,000 Miles in Hybrid Car -- The UltraBattery combines a supercapacitor and a lead acid battery in a single unit, Trends: 
TECHNOLOGYREVIEW 06/26/09 Technology Review: GM Opens a Battery Research Lab for the Volt -- GM Opens a Battery Research Lab for the Volt Trends: 
NRJ 06/25/09 The Collapse of the Great American Newspaper | Newspaper Research Journal | Find Articles at BNET -- Newspaper Research Journal Trends: 
REUTERS 06/25/09 Heads of top U.S. companies snub blogs, Facebook: study| Technology| Reuters -- Trends: 
SALON 06/24/09 -- Trends: 
SLASHDOT 06/24/09 Slashdot | Online News Stories that Change Behind Your Back -- Trends: 
NORTHWESTERN 06/24/09 -- Trends: 
BECKER-POSNER 06/23/09 -- Outlawing links would, of course, paralyze the entire Internet, not to mention the copyright police. Wait a minute! WHAT copyright police? Trends: 
BUZZ 06/21/09 -- Trends: 
REVE/NEWS 06/19/09 -- Trends: 
FOX 06/19/09 Marijuana Causes Cancer, California Regulators Say - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News - FOXNews.com -- List chemicals found in both tobacco and marijuana smoke, no animal or human tests, no atual cancers reported Trends: 
PHOTON 06/19/09 -- Trends: 
ZOGBY 06/18/09 -- Reuters Trends:  Nameplate to Disembodied, Known Source to Crowdsource, Centralized to Distributed, Mass Media to Atomized
CNN 06/18/09 -- Americans would rather keep their Internet connect Trends: 
06/18/09 -- Trends: 
06/18/09 Newspaper Death Watch -- Trends: 
KNIGHT 06/18/09 -- Trends: 
NYT 06/18/09 -- Chicago start-up, plans to reprint blog posts on r Trends: 
BLDRREP 06/18/09 -- Bob Wells, Boulder Trends: 
EXAMINER 06/18/09 -- Trends: 
06/18/09 Solution Journalism | We coevolve with our tools. -- Trends: 
JOURNALISMONLINE 06/18/09 -- Trends: 
PEW 06/17/09 -- It's just a "pipe" dream at this point. Newspapers need to make news valuable again by siezing control of its distribution. You can't give it away to make it valuable, unless you have a way of capitalizing on clicks (something newspapers are very, very bad at). Trends: 
Rumor 06/16/09 Recovering Journalist -- Mark Potts, I'm an entrepreneur and consultant who works with media and Internet companies on strategy and product development. You can read more about me here. These are my thoughts on the changes in how we create, receive and interact with news, information and Trends: 
NYU 06/16/09 -- New York University Trends: 
BbHrxxsyvZNlRxmEuSp 06/16/09 xuHd6L gkaifluyefrc, [url=http://kfhpteowsemo.com/]kfhpteowsemo[/url], [link=http://gfkgkxtfisbz.com/]gfkgkxtfisbz[/link], http://oboshxvjlntq.com/ -- xuHd6L gkaifluyefrc, [url=http://kfhpteowsemo.com/]kfhpteowsemo[/url], [link=http://gfkgkxtfisbz.com/]gfkgkxtfisbz[/link], http://oboshxvjlntq.com/ Trends: 
GLOBE 06/16/09 -- Trends: 
SFNBLOG 06/16/09 -- World Association of Newspapers Trends: 
06/16/09 Information Architects -- see 10 newspapers myths deconstructed Trends: 
APP 06/16/09 -- search for Data Universe ungodly database Trends: 
06/16/09 William M. Hartnett -- Journalism, the future of news, and cat pictures. Trends: 
06/16/09 Journerdism | Will Sullivan's home for tech & jour -- Online journalism, multimedia, social media, mobil Trends: 
06/16/09 Clay Shirky -- Trends: 
06/16/09 Emily Bell's Blog -- Trends: 
DENPOST 06/15/09 -- Trends: 
NYT 06/14/09 -- Trends: 
05/28/09 -- Trends: 
WASHPOST 05/26/09 Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection - washingtonpost.com -- The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. Trends: 
SANYO 05/22/09 SANYO Develops HIT Solar Cells with Worlds Highest Energy Conversion Efficiency of 23% -- Trends: 
CJR 05/17/09 -- Trends: 
05/17/09 The Uncle Sam Solution -- Trends: 
RCP 05/07/09 -- Trends: 
CSM 05/07/09 Hyperlocal is not news to the small town paper. -- There is only "local" in small towns. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Geography to Topic
OHIOSTATEU 04/22/09 Students say it ain't so. Too much of anything can be linked to lower grades, if you squint hard enough. -- Beer, Pot, Sex, Sports, Movies, Online Games, Second Life, Church, Sleep --- you name it. Trends: 
WSJ 04/17/09 Newsprint Firm Files Chapter 11 -- Trends: 
ECON 04/15/09 Media: The rebirth of news | The Economist -- Trends: 
PRESSGAZETTE 04/15/09 Be afraid. Or be confident. Just don't be complacent. -- How, do you suppose, did the newspaper industry exist for 200 years believing that their stories were worth money? Rupert doesn't know, either, but he's pretty sure that, for newspapers, success will depend on the bond of trust between readers and content, not platforms. Trends: 
NYT 04/14/09 -- Trends: 
REUTERS 04/13/09 Marijuana plus cigarettes boosts lung disease risk| Health| Reuters -- Trends: 
TELEREAD 04/05/09 -- Did this ever happen in the real world, or was it just exploratory? Trends: 
CSM 04/03/09 -- Trends: 
WEBMD 04/01/09 Marijuana Chemical May Fight Brain Cancer -- Tests on both human and animal subects showed positive results in Spain. Trends: 
E&P 03/30/09 -- Trends: 
FORBES 03/19/09 Thinking Outside The Box (Scores) - Forbes.com -- Trends: 
IWANTMYROCKY 03/15/09 I Want My Rocky | We lost the paper. Help us save the news. -- Trends: 
EXAMINER 03/14/09 -- Examiners are paid based on page-views. Trends: 
03/13/09 -- Trends: 
OSHAUGHNESSY'S 03/13/09 Fred Gardner: Cannabidiol Now! -- Trends: 
WIRED 03/11/09 -- Let me guess: paper is on the way out, you like being online, and your glasses cost $400? Oh, and you only use a Mac, have an iPhone and an iPod? And a latte' habit? Ah, individuality! Trends: 
NIEMAN 03/09/09 Einstein proves advertising and content are not ne -- Trends: 
LATIMES 03/08/09 -- Trends: 
DENPOST 03/08/09 -- Trends:  Desktop to Mobile, , Shared to Solo
NYT 03/07/09 -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, ,
FORBES 03/06/09 -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Nameplate to Disembodied
REUTERS 02/26/09 -- Trends: 
UWIRE 02/25/09 -- No placed is changing faster than the typical College or University campus. Social media, streaming, tweets and 24x7 phone use are the norm. Hard for yesterday's news to find a compfy spot. see also http://uwire.com/Article.aspx?id=3796762 Trends: 
LATIMES 02/09/09 Marijuana use and testicular cancer | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times -- Study of hundreds of men with and without testicular cancer, actual people, actual cancers, actual math Trends: 
ENGINEERINGNEWS 01/23/09 -- Trends: 
GREENTECHMEDIA 01/16/09 DqVYOi osjbeilpuskm, [url=http://ggevpcknwljk.com/]ggevpcknwljk[/url], [link=http://aberdloxanbi.com/]aberdloxanbi[/link], http://wsehrdqypgas.com/ -- DqVYOi osjbeilpuskm, [url=http://ggevpcknwljk.com/]ggevpcknwljk[/url], [link=http://aberdloxanbi.com/]aberdloxanbi[/link], http://wsehrdqypgas.com/ Trends: 
NCBR 01/16/09 Northern Colorado Business Report - Business News Focused on Northern Colorado -- Trends: 
TECH-ON 12/12/08 [Eco Products] Sony Prototypes Lanterns Using Dye-sensitized Solar Cells -- Tech-On! -- Trends: 
MIT 11/26/08 RLCJZL nfdnjvhylcux, [url=http://luofucpzljdb.com/]luofucpzljdb[/url], [link=http://faxvwyatcsao.com/]faxvwyatcsao[/link], http://qoxwuberlqos.com/ -- RLCJZL nfdnjvhylcux, [url=http://luofucpzljdb.com/]luofucpzljdb[/url], [link=http://faxvwyatcsao.com/]faxvwyatcsao[/link], http://qoxwuberlqos.com/ Trends: 
MATTERNETWORK 11/23/08 Breakthrough Solar Cell Absorbs 96% of Sunlight -- Trends: 
TECHNOLOGYREVIEW 08/14/08 -- Trends: 
NEWSCIENTIST 08/01/08 Krx2OS ocjxnntmevqx, [url=http://jtlwecytabra.com/]jtlwecytabra[/url], [link=http://bozohcvquoxh.com/]bozohcvquoxh[/link], http://dfnfngnacxzv.com/ -- Krx2OS ocjxnntmevqx, [url=http://jtlwecytabra.com/]jtlwecytabra[/url], [link=http://bozohcvquoxh.com/]bozohcvquoxh[/link], http://dfnfngnacxzv.com/ Trends: 
MCKINSEY 06/28/08 rKguuh wworykhewoaf, [url=http://nflausxaqfgh.com/]nflausxaqfgh[/url], [link=http://ajjylkaticiz.com/]ajjylkaticiz[/link], http://lphbgtsxkake.com/ -- rKguuh wworykhewoaf, [url=http://nflausxaqfgh.com/]nflausxaqfgh[/url], [link=http://ajjylkaticiz.com/]ajjylkaticiz[/link], http://lphbgtsxkake.com/ Trends: 
BS 06/27/08 Biodiesel Sustainability -- Trends: 
PVRESOURCES 06/06/08 Photovoltaic economics -- Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 06/03/08 Long-term Cannabis Users May Have Structural Brain Abnormalities -- Trends: 
REUTERS 05/13/08 -- FEEDBACK: The study was conducted with 18 long term heavy MJ users and 24 non-drug using volunteers Trends: 
NIMH/NIDA 05/13/08 -- 78 to 350 joints per week! Woah! Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 03/13/08 Sexual Activity and Marijuana Use Associated with HPV-Positive Head and Neck Cancer, Study Shows -- Trends: 
MCMASTER U 02/11/08 Telecom research leads to solar cell breakthrough -- Trends: 
EETIMES 01/28/08 jOFDiz tnhwrmtklvah, [url=http://vtaijmhlfagu.com/]vtaijmhlfagu[/url], [link=http://vtvlzfgnglvx.com/]vtvlzfgnglvx[/link], http://qtrbmveiqliu.com/ -- jOFDiz tnhwrmtklvah, [url=http://vtaijmhlfagu.com/]vtaijmhlfagu[/url], [link=http://vtvlzfgnglvx.com/]vtvlzfgnglvx[/link], http://qtrbmveiqliu.com/ Trends: 
JNCI 01/02/08 Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1 -- Ramer and Hinz 100 (1): 59 -- JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute -- Trends: 
INFINITEPOWER 01/01/08 Interactive Energy Calculators -- Trends: 
BUILDITSOLAR 01/01/08 Solar Photovoltaic Projects -- Trends: 
UCBERKELEY 12/17/07 Electricity Rate Structures and the Economics of Solar PV: Could Mandatory Time-of-Use Rates Undermine Californiaýs Solar Photovoltaic Subsidies? -- Trends: 
SCIENCEDAILY 11/06/07 Marijuana Compound Shows Promise In Fighting Breast Cancer -- Trends: 
RECOVERINGJOURNALIST 07/15/07 Mark Potts gets it. -- More, he's done it, lived it, breathed it. Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Trusted Source to Crowds
THORACIC 06/27/07 Study Finds No Link Between Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer -- Trends: 
NYT 04/17/07 -- Right. And "Sharks Team With Dophins To Attract National Geographic Helicopters." A better headline might be "Newspapers Team With Yahoo To Pretend It's OK." Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Nameplate to Disembodied
SCIENCEDAILY 04/17/07 -- Measured and tested component of smoke, no human or animal subjects, no atual cancer cures, just testing materials and drawing parallel conclusions. Trends: 
GOSUNSOLUTIONS 04/09/07 Go Sun Solutions - Organic Solar Cell Breakthrough -- Trends: 
HARVARD 04/07/07 THC (marijuana) helps cure cancer says Harvard study | NowPublic News Coverage -- Trends: 
TECHNOLOGYREVIEW 01/22/07 -- A Texas company says it can make a new ultracapacitor power system to replace the electrochemical batteries in everything from cars to laptops. Trends: 
EETIMES 12/06/06 -- Solar cell with 40.7% sunlight-to-energy conversion efficien Trends: 
SLATE 11/30/06 Chronicle of the newspaper death foretold. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed, Audience to Participant
UofMICHIGAN 10/10/06 Study fails to find cancer link to marijuana use -- Trends: 
ARCINTE/AMA 04/09/06 Arch Intern Med -- The Association Between Marijuana Smoking and Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review, July 10, 2006, Mehra et al. 166 (13): 1359 -- Trends: 
BIO-MEDICINE 03/14/06 Marijuana Causes The Brain To Lose Its Ability ( A new study has found that using mariju...) -- Trends: 
AANEUROLOGY 03/14/06 BecMoC xjweqttgtjxg, [url=http://xveezztxxqbk.com/]xveezztxxqbk[/url], [link=http://xpbsgoesojhz.com/]xpbsgoesojhz[/link], http://axwewixbncgu.com/ -- BecMoC xjweqttgtjxg, [url=http://xveezztxxqbk.com/]xveezztxxqbk[/url], [link=http://xpbsgoesojhz.com/]xpbsgoesojhz[/link], http://axwewixbncgu.com/ Trends: 
NORML 02/23/06 EiFljY grjhxgqcpwvx, [url=http://pdbuywkcsffg.com/]pdbuywkcsffg[/url], [link=http://rczjapfzcmvy.com/]rczjapfzcmvy[/link], http://yrwmgpxwniol.com/ -- EiFljY grjhxgqcpwvx, [url=http://pdbuywkcsffg.com/]pdbuywkcsffg[/url], [link=http://rczjapfzcmvy.com/]rczjapfzcmvy[/link], http://yrwmgpxwniol.com/ Trends: 
BIO-MEDICINE 02/04/06 Smoking Marijuana Increases The Risk Of Bladder Cancer ( Smoking marijuana causes bladder cancer...) -- Trends: 
BIO-MEDICINE 02/04/06 Smoking Marijuana Increases The Risk Of Bladder Cancer ( Smoking marijuana causes bladder cancer...) -- Dr. Martha Terris Trends: 
BIO-MEDICINE 08/06/05 k8bG9O nisnmywvfbfx, [url=http://ntntcdiporhj.com/]ntntcdiporhj[/url], [link=http://mcdobimjzgum.com/]mcdobimjzgum[/link], http://iidkjhtovaic.com/ -- k8bG9O nisnmywvfbfx, [url=http://ntntcdiporhj.com/]ntntcdiporhj[/url], [link=http://mcdobimjzgum.com/]mcdobimjzgum[/link], http://iidkjhtovaic.com/ Trends: 
ADAGE 04/13/05 -- Trends:  Centralized to Distributed
NATIONALGEO 01/14/05 Spray-On Solar-Power Cells Are True Breakthrough -- Trends: 
BIO-MEDICINE 12/02/04 Marijuana Use Could Result In Psychosis ( Adolescents and young adults who freque...) -- Trends: 
AJR 10/15/04 Why Are Newspaper Profits So High? | American Journalism Review -- Trends: 
MEDICALNEWS 09/29/04 -- Trends: 
SCIENCEAGOGO 11/21/02 Ultra Efficient Solar Cells On The Way -- Trends: 
06/21/99 The Cluetrain Manifesto  Entire Text Index Page -- Trends: 
NRJ 05/25/98 Goodbye copy desks, hello trouble? | Newspaper Research Journal | Find Articles at BNET -- test Trends:  Centralized to Distributed
MEDMJSCIENCE 11/06/88 Peer Reviewed Results of New York State-sponsored Cancer/Marijuana Studies -- medmjscience Trends: 
CALIFORNIAAGGIE A Re-make of Reefer Madness Will Include Nap Sessions. -- Very thin science here, a hallmark of DEA-funded marijuana researcdh. Also, smoking pot makes you squint, which is why it's darker at night. Trends: 
APPMARKETbeta Five new ways of measuring traffic. -- And they all have to do with video. Engagement and interaction rates in rich media, video view, and impact on Web search results. Others might include sentiment analysis to measure the viral influence and the tone of consumer chatter about the brand across the Internet. Or, measure foot traffic into the store through geo-based technology. Trends: 
WEBROOT But we could quit anytime! Really! We don't really need it, I mean, not really, do we? -- Webroot's annual survey of Social Networking shows that users get lots of 'cookies' from their social media. Trends:  Local to Granfalloon, Anonymous (private) to Profiled (public), Audience to Participants
a -- a Trends:  Critical Journalism to Normalized Promotion, Geography to Topic